Chapter 364: Wedding ceremony (part 1: the princesses)

Queen Avira's POV

We all stood up when we saw the brides along with my husband and my first two sons. Gregory and Arnold will be marching their sisters down the aisle. The skirt was more beautiful when the finishing touches were done yesterday. My daughter-in-law's idea was perfect.

The designs fit my three daughters' personalities. The marching band starts to play a song. They all start walking down the aisle as we clap our hands.

"The brides were really beautiful in their wedding gowns," Lady Lilibeth whispered to my other daughters-in-law.

"Indeed. General Escalante's designs for the skirt had emphasized the beauty of our sisters-in-law," Lady Angelika added, murmuring either. I notice that my sons-in-law are nervous. As soon as their brides arrive, they raise their palms.

"Take care of her," my husband and sons stated in unison. They give their hands to their grooms.

"We will," they replied.