Chapter 127: Unedited Chapter

Chen Mikong and his mother looked at Gu Shishi who looked dead serious.

They turned to look at each other, and they knew this was the end for them.

They could not continue to use Chen Wenling anymore.

"Chen Wenling, you may leave, this has nothing to do with you anymore, it is up to him to apologize or spend the rest of the year in jail," Gu Shishi instructed.

"And as for cutting ties with her, I suggest you do it, but clearly this is not over, you can continue later," Gu Shishi suggested, and she nodded in return.

"Thank you for helping me out," she bowed her head, and thanked her.

Gu Shishi felt flustered as she momentarily lost her voice. No one has ever thanked her for things which she had done, this was the first time, and she had no idea how she was to react to it.

"It is fine, I can relate with you, you may leave now," Gu Shishi cleared her throat as she uttered those words.