Chapter 175: It Is Over

Song Recommendation: Ignite By Alan Walker!

"That is enough, Mom, they will not understand, criminals like them will not be able to understand what you are doing, do not let them get to you?" Tang Mo suddenly spoke up, annoyed with the way they were trying to guilt-trip Shi Liran.

Shi Liran smiled gently. After all the trials and obstacles, she was glad she raised Tang Mo, and he turned out to be what she wanted him to be.

"Come on, Mom, the judge will be out soon, in a few minutes, we will know about their fates," Tang Mo said to her, his voice devoid of any emotion.

His face was blank, and unreadable. People could not make out what was going on in his mind.

"Let's go," Shi Liran said, and they both went back to their seats.

"Father, mother doesn't care about us, in one simple sentence, we are doomed," Tang Jingsheng commented with a grave expression as the reality sank deep into his brain, he was going to jail.