New Boss

James said once more, "Get in." Emma looked like she was in a daze, so he got out of the car, picked her up, and put her in the back seat before getting inside.

The driver, Arthur, just stared in shock. A woman would be carried by his young master! He peered out the window to see whether the sun had risen in the west.

Emma didn't react until they were in the car. "Stop the car now. I am getting late for the office." James glanced at Emma with a raised eyebrow, surprised by her sudden change in attitude. He chuckled and said, "Well, you seem to be back to your usual self. Don't worry, we'll get you to the office on time. I am going in the same direction. I will drop you." Arthur quickly started the car, and they sped off towards Emma's workplace, with James making small talk to lighten the mood.

James glanced at Emma, who was still in a daze, and wondered what had happened to her that morning.

Emma remained where she was, realizing that they were indeed moving toward her company. She was curious, asking, "James, how do you make so much money doing what you do? Is it sufficient to buy a Maybach? You must make more than a million dollars a year, right?"

The driver, Arthur, could not contain his laughter.

Joke of the Year: The prince of the Sinclair family makes millions of dollars a year.

"You even have a chauffeur?" Emma realized it a little too late, after hearing the laughter.

"Well, the pay is respectable. Since there are many kind but lonely rich women like you, owning a car and driver makes sense." James grinned.

"James, I paid for it today, just and equally. As the service provider, you have me as the client. Remember your manners and refrain from speaking sarcastically to me," Emma shot back, sensing the irony in his remarks regarding her pleading with him earlier in the day.

She asked Arthur to stop the car when it was about a kilometer away from her company.

She had no desire to arrive in grand style. If anyone saw her getting out of this car, she would never hear the end of it, what with all the gossip in the office.

Just as she was getting off, someone grabbed her thin wrist and put something in her palm—a tube of tissue adhesive! Her cheeks turned scarlet. "Why are you giving this to me? Why?"

"You covered the cost. You're my client," declared James, looking stunning and dapper from inside the vehicle. "Premium care is due to a premium service. I offer post-purchase assistance."

Wanting desperately to see what medication the young master had purchased from the pharmacy, Arthur craned his neck to peer in the rearview mirror.

"Your little toothpick is hardly big enough to cover the gaps in my teeth. I'm doing great. It's not necessary for me." Emma threw the scorching hot potato back in with haste.

James's toothpick is tiny, but it's courteous. This is a courtesy call to have the gaps in your teeth filled. James returned the ointment to her hand while chuckling softly.

The car window shut.

The vehicle took off quickly. As the car sped away, Emma couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

Emma sulked, her mind exploding. Her face flushed so badly that it was embarrassing. Even his everyday speech seemed out of place coming from him!

Arthur's ears almost perked up, trying desperately to figure out their coded banter.

James watched Emma out of the rearview mirror that was closing.

At nine-thirty on a recent morning, he was informed of their divorce. After ten minutes, he gave Samuel a significant project to complete, quickly turned in his work within the next few hours, and then took off here to take over the southeast American branch when Samuel departed for overseas. He had not slept for nearly fifty hours, so up until now he was on edge.

Under his noble features, James's eyes fluttered slightly, hiding signs of fatigue that were difficult to notice.


Located on the South Florida ClimateReady Tech Hub, which was headed by the Miami High-Tech Zone, was Starweaver Plaza. This area, which housed the southeast headquarters of numerous Fortune 500 companies, was worth its weight in gold. Among them was Starweaver.

Emma went into the advertising department and heard everyone giggling over some topic.

Her three closest friends from the company were huddled together in a corner.

Emma extended her ears. "What are you guys discussing?"

The three turned to face her, their excitement growing even more.

Emma was dragged over to sit with them by Sophia. Her gossipy eyes were almost glowing. "Last night, Emma, our new deputy general manager, arrived!"

Calmly, Emma answered, "I know."

Sophia continued, "He's young, charming, and apparently single."

Emma raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Sophia's sudden interest in the new deputy general manager. "And?" she prompted, curious to hear more about this mysterious newcomer. Sophia leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "And he's been asking about you," she revealed with a mischievous grin. Emma felt a flutter of excitement in her chest at the thought of a handsome and eligible man taking an interest in her. She couldn't help but wonder what his intentions were and if there was any truth to Sophia's gossip.

"Marcus, didn't he go out last night to welcome the new GM deputy?"

"Erin, no. You're ignorant," Lucas remarked cryptically. "Mia, the stunning beauty from PR, accompanied the leaders to greet him last night. She posted a picture she had taken of the new deputy general manager in their department's group chat. The PR department as a whole burst! People are saying that the new deputy general manager is so attractive and youthful that he makes women's legs go soft."

Emma mockingly clicked her tongue. "You are a male. Why do you find gossip more interesting than women? He's the deputy general manager. How is it going for you?"

Lucas laughed and rubbed his head. "I'm standing up for the female employees in other divisions. Instead of sharing the picture, PR is hoarding it, leaving everyone guessing. How cruel!"

"Nevertheless, Emma, how about you ask Manager Marcus to obtain it? PR is certain to give it to him." Sophia smiled.

Everyone in the organization was aware that Marcus and Emma had attended the same university. With the exception of his former pupil, Emma, to whom he showed a little more warmth, Marcus was aloof.

Marcus's cunning strategies and quick promotions earned him high respect, even as a manager at Starweaver. He was somewhat feared by all.

Having been promoted to director of marketing, he occasionally had more sway than even John Baxter.

At last, the mute Charlotte said, "It's just a little thing. Why make a fuss over it, Director Marcus? It is not possible to exploit relationships like that. Do you consider Director Marcus to be laid back?"

For many years, Charlotte was a seasoned team member. She had the most collected disposition.

She checked the company group chat after speaking. "There was a notice just gone out telling everyone to come downstairs right now. In a few minutes, the new deputy general manager will arrive."

Sophia leaped up with enthusiasm. "We get to meet him face-to-face! Come on, let's go quickly!"