The office

"Let's head out, James," John grinned. "What do you have your eyes on?"

"Nothin'." Withdrawing his eyes, James trailed behind everyone as they entered the lift.

The elevator door closed gradually.

James's long, thin fingers deftly pressed the opening button just before the elevator door closed completely.

"Director John, allow me to also call Director Marcus." At the meeting, I'd also like to hear the marketing director's ideas."

After a brief period of shock, John told the person sitting next to him, "Go get Director Marcus to come over right now. You then accompany that female coworker back to her workspace."

Emma felt scattered and overwhelmed by her thoughts as she returned to her desk.

Depending on the moment, she was concerned about her ability to maintain this job—whether the vice president would make her resign after receiving her money, or if he would purposefully make things difficult for her at work because he was embarrassed about being taken advantage of by a woman. She wanted to leave, but she was unable to do so after the management penalized her for a significant breach of contract.

"Let's grab a bite, Emma; time to go." Sophia prepared to head to the cafeteria for lunch after gathering her belongings.

"Go ahead, you guys; I'm not hungry today."

"All right."

Emma slumped over the desk in despair as soon as everyone left the office.

Her phone rang, signaling that she had a message.

When she opened it, she discovered it was a friend request.

The five words "James" shone brightly when she opened it.

Her heart felt like it was on fire again the moment it calmed down a bit. She started to feel agitated.

Either way, sooner or later, she would have to deal with this problem!

Besides, it should be easier to patch things up because she has already paid him money.

Emma's hands trembled violently as she tapped to accept his friend request, despite feeling mentally prepared.

She initiated the initial message to him: Were you simply playing pranks on me this morning at my house, you big scammer and liar? Say something, if you have anything to say. If not, move on.

He sent her a message before she could finish typing, saying, "Come to my office."

Emma quickly stopped typing and replied, "I'll be right there, Mr. James. Okay, alright."

She even included a cute cat sticker at the end.

Emma silently chastised herself. Her career prospects were on the brink of a downward spiral. She was forced to use flattery in order to keep herself safe.

Daring not to delay any longer, she got up and went over immediately.

"knock, knock, knock..."

Emma knocked three times at the door to the vice president's office. She cautiously pushed the door open and entered after hearing no movement inside.

The office was luxurious, with floor-to-ceiling windows that ran the length of one side and faced the street.

James was slender but sturdy, standing tall and straight in front of the window with his hands behind his back. His attitude and vibe were like he had the entire world at his feet. He was in deep thought and was looking outside the window in front of him.

"Mr. James. With regard to what happened yesterday, I'd like to explain," Emma said, forcing a smile.

James pivoted around. He had a very handsome face with very distinct features. Approaching the desk slowly, he said, "Come here."

"Mr. James, I made that mistake yesterday because I didn't know it was you." Emma trailed along warily.

"You were unaware that it was me? Then, with whom were you initially attempting to have a sexual relationship?" James whirled around abruptly, catching Emma off guard. Emma was taken aback and knocked into his strong, well-defined jaw.

Rubbing her forehead, she winced in pain, but at that moment, she wasn't even thinking about whether or not she was hurt. She quickly clarified, saying, "No, no, no, I wasn't originally planning to sleep with anyone. What I meant was..."

"Oh, is that it?" James had a captivating voice. He sounded refined and pleasing to the ear in every word, even when he was speaking quietly.

"Obviously!" Emma put on an act of extreme sincerity.

"A miscommunication? When there has been a significant error, it cannot be referred to as a misunderstanding." James reached over the leather executive chair to retrieve his suit jacket, which he spread out flat to cushion the top of his solid wood desk.

James snapped Emma's skirt up in one motion. He put her on top of his suit jacket on the desk, his hands around her waist.

"Therefore, we must speak and provide explanations." Emma laughed awkwardly as she made an effort to remain composed. "In addition, you took my money today already... Mr. James, what are you doing?

Emma looked down and felt something cool beneath her, and her blood pressure shot through the roof!

She had not realized it at the time, but her skirt had been flipped up.

"What do you think?" James asked.

With his right hand, he covered his fingertips with ointment, put on disposable gloves, and asked, "I told you to apply the medication; how come you didn't?"

One second later,.

"Mr. James."

Her heart felt as though it would burst from her throat, and her legs trembled a little.

With a trembling voice, she quickly grabbed his strong, robust wrist and said, "You...stop for a moment."

Emma looked as red as if she had just been pulled from a boiling pot. Fine beads of sweat glistened on her earlobes and neck. Her eyes had a hint of red at the corners, looking delectably moist.

"Is it okay if I don't want to hear your explanations?" James gently inquired, coldly dismissing her plea.


Instead of focusing on his hand, James's light-colored eyes were fixed on Emma's deeply flushed face as he muttered, "Besides, I remember..."

Emma covered James's mouth quickly, her face turning even redder. "Just put the medicine on; don't talk about it further."

That was the moment she wished for the end of the world.

Emma wished she could disappear from the face of the earth!

A short while later, Emma was being carried by James to sit on the sofa after he had carefully helped her straighten her clothes and thrown the gloves in the trash can.

Emma curled into a tight ball, trying to blend into the shadows.

Still, her gaze was compelled to dart in the direction of the trash can.

Emma picked up a piece of paper and covered it.

She added some more paper after that.

And still more paper.

A small, amused chuckle escaped James's throat. "Stop tossing items. It wouldn't bode well if rumors spread about your single visit, leaving a cluttered office.

Emma froze at once.

James grinned and poured two glasses of water, setting one in front of her. "You should drink some water."

Emma took it up and drank the whole glass at once. However, she didn't mean to look at the space beneath James's lower abdomen. A stream of water shot out of my mouth. "Mr. James, you sho..."

James said, "Sorry, the toothpick has a mind of its own," playing with the glass in his hand with long, straight fingers. With grace, he leaned slightly against the back of the sofa as he sat down.

He had an untouchable air of nobility about him.

"I can tolerate it; it's still tolerable." He stated it with straightforward bluntness.

Emma bowed her head, feeling very uncomfortable and like she wanted to take off for space.

James asked, "Done with the water?" with an expression of complete calm.

Emma instantly straightened her back. At last, they could proceed with official business. "Yes, Mr. James, I'm done. I want to give you an explanation of last night's events."

"I was there, so I can attest to what transpired. So, there's no need for an explanation. You're done drinking water?, so follow me to this location." James got to his feet. His towering form loomed before her.

Emma took a quick peek at his protruding belly. Her fine brows knitted together in an instant. "What do you think of me, Mr. James?"

"Relax; I'm not taking you to check into a hotel." James's light-colored eyes flickered toward her, causing the corners of his mouth to crinkle and a titillating itch that was just right—not too intense, not too light. "Is this the only thing you think about all the day?"

After being made fun of for her inner thoughts, Emma blushed.

Anyone's mind would wander, though, with him reacting so violently, bulging down there, and asking her to go with him.

Despite her reservations, Emma reluctantly trailed behind James, torn between compliance and doubt.

She was astounded when they got there.

The police station?

Emma grabbed James's arm as they were about to enter, sensing something was off. "Perfectly good people don't just stroll into the police station, Mr. James!"

"I'm bringing you to voluntarily admit your wrongdoing because you asked me to come see you last night." James abruptly halted, casting her a sideways glance as if by pure instinct.

Emma remained motionless for a considerable amount of time, unable to respond.

He planned to use his employee as a sacrificial pawn for a noble purpose!

"No, I didn't! The previous evening, I was..." She suddenly had an epiphany and reminded him, "Mr. James, doesn't that make you a pros*itute if you think I solicited you?"

James: "Yes, isn't that the reason I'm here as well?"

Emma was momentarily stunned and unable to speak.

She eventually turned to face him, her eyes wide, and she gave him a thumbs up.

"If you're not among Top 10 Good Citizens of the Year at this year's awards ceremony, count me out."