
Emma was startled by the loud bang and jumped back two steps.

"Such a large response?" James bent down carefully to gather up the pieces, his shirt taut around his waist and abdomen, its narrow lines exuding an iron-hard sense of power.

"You spend your entire day thinking about relationships between men and women; try not to overindulge, or it will be harmful to your health."

"At twenty-six, I was just out last night; is that considered an indulgence?" Emma shot back, her eyes settling on James's waist as a slight flush spread across her face.

After raking up the last of the debris, James got to his feet. "Yes, but you expressed that desire four times in one night."

"The previous evening... I had no control over that." Emma's face reddened even more.

Her complexion was so pale that it gleamed, making any trace of red pop.

Her earlobes, which were tinged red against the creamy white skin of her neck, caught James's attention.

Despite her slim build, she had just the right amount of flesh in all the right places, and every curve of her figure was defined by the thin strip of apron tied around her waist.

It should be indented where it should be and protruded where it should.

"I understand," James said with a faint bob of his Adam's apple and a raspy voice. "So you should rest well tonight, you still have to work tomorrow."


Emma, who had 1.2% of the shares, went sightseeing and played with her grandfather and child. She chose to skip work, indifferent to the luxuries of capitalist bosses and the construction of their lavish properties.

She didn't feel like she was working hard for a job she truly enjoyed; instead, her motto was to enjoy herself while she could.

Emma felt suddenly more confident, thinking of her grandfather and child. She approached James, took his hand, and held it to her chest. "President James, we have to make the most of our wedding night tonight."

James's once-bright eyes behind his glasses grew progressively darker as his blood started to boil.

He gave Emma a downcast look.

She pretended to be indifferent, but beneath his large hand, her pounding heart was revealing her uneasiness and timidity.

"James, President." Emma softly called to him, her moist crimson lips seeming delicate and fragile, the red wine stain on her lips having not yet faded.

Giving off the impression of being easily broken by a bite.

So simple to overcome.

Unaware that she now looked to James like a lamb being led to slaughter, she allowed him to have his way.

James leaned in a little, pressing their faces together until their breaths blended. "Is a single tray of pork ribs insufficient to satisfy you? You have too much greed."

Emma blushed instantly and went weak in the knees as the scalding air hit her ear.

"Stop talking and get to it," she shot back, defiant.

"Are you trying to turn me on" James gave a small laugh. He took off his glasses and set them on the nearby counter, then took hold of her narrow waist and pressed her up against the kitchen's cold wall.

Emma was taken aback for a moment.

His glasses made him look calm and collected, and she hadn't realized his eyes would be so full of intense, sensual desire without the balancing effect of the wire-rimmed lenses.

Anyone could be easily intoxicated by those eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll give it to you if you want it." James bent down to give her a kiss, a smile lighting up his eyes.

After that, Emma was unconscious and writhing on the bed.

It took her almost a full day to regain consciousness. She noticed James in the middle of cleaning himself when she peered out of her eye.

"President James, what are you wiping?" Emma asked as she abruptly sat up.

"I'm cleaning." James glanced at her and said.

His directness left Emma stunned.

It was her 1.2% stake in the group that he was wiping, not her!

James seemed unaffected by it, as Emma was preoccupied with other matters. This experience had to teach her something!

"President James, let's do it again," Emma said, taking hold of his hand.

James laughed softly, stopping his movements abruptly. "You kept me up until one in the morning this morning and for five hours last night. Could you please stop me? Being lustful is a bad habit."

Emma's face flickered between green and red, her level of embarrassment steadily increasing. "I guess my needs aren't that great? Or, President James, are you not game?"

Her pride prevented her from admitting her own awkwardness, leading to unintentional emotional harm to others.

"I'm not up for it, yes." James gave a nod.

If he had another round with her after three days and two nights without sleep, tomorrow he would be down to two pounds, coffin included.

"It's okay, President James; don't feel inferior; I'll restock you tomorrow," Emma realized right away.

"All right, you can restock me tomorrow." James gave a quiet little laugh. He lifted her up and gave her a tender kiss. "Let me draw you a bath for the time being."

Emma's heart pounded from James's kiss.

This evening, from beginning to end, his commanding yet kind manner more than fulfilled her expectations.

Emma went to bed and fell asleep two seconds after James had given her a bath.

After tucking the marriage license beneath her pillow as a symbol of their commitment, he leaned back and enveloped her in a warm, affectionate hug.

The wind rustled through the branches outside the window, creating a distinct but soft sound.

There was a calm intimacy in the room.

Seven years had passed.

He had never thought that today would come.

James leaned his head into the delicate curve of Emma's neck.

It felt good to him, like a tired bird making its way back to its nest.

"Please don't take this back, Emma; you gave me everything."


Emma slept deeply, waking up later than usual.

She got up early to go to the market and then came home to make soup because she had promised James that she would replenish him.

realizing James was still asleep and that it was almost time to report to work.

He was visibly exhausted and not in a state to engage, contrary to expectations.

The deputy CEO didn't need to report for duty, so it didn't matter if he slept in.

Emma left for work without waking him.

Even at the busiest time of day, Starweaver Plaza's dozen elevators were still packed. Emma heard the other passengers talking about yesterday's meeting with the new deputy CEO as she stepped into the elevator.

Emma put the main parts of it together.

James started his new work yesterday. He'd called for a meeting and mercilessly killed off a number of projects.

Two irate senior executives objected, but in a few succinct words, he incisively identified the main problems.

All of these details were disregarded, despite their great importance.

Everybody was persuaded.

With admiring eyes, a young woman in the center of the elevator said, "I was taking meeting minutes for our finance department while sitting in the corner. My little heart was enthralled when I heard President James's last statement, Let's all work hard together. The meeting was adjourned. Paying attention to finer details is key to accomplishing things."

Emma's mind automatically conjured up the scene.

With a few words, a young, attractive executive with status and authority could quiet the group of elderly people.

It was, in fact, very easy to stir the heart of a young woman just starting her career.

"Even if your heart is stirred, you can't act on it," someone jokingly said. "Office romances are forbidden by the company."

Relationships are strictly forbidden within Starweaver, with severe consequences for those found in breach of the rule. Both would be fired if found.

However, everyone knew that some people had to be dating or even married in secret—and that most of them did a very good job of hiding it.

To avoid suspicion at Starweaver, Emma and Marcus had a covert marriage back then for the same reason.

"I'd be willing to lose this job if it meant I could be with President James," the young woman said, her small face flushing.

Emma had to add, "It is untrustworthy thinking to give up your career for a man." Women should always be self-sufficient. Furthermore, President James lacks endurance and isn't flawless either."

Emma sent James a silent, heartfelt apology.

She could only break her illusions and reveal some harsh truths to a confused colleague who was being misled by him.

Surprised, the girl cried out, "Sister, how do you know?"

Emma: "I have personally witnessed it, and although I've heard similar accounts from others, the information is reliable."

Nothing holds more weight than the truth witnessed firsthand.

James couldn't even get out of bed today after only going once yesterday!

"I didn't think President James would be a case of appearances deceiving, given his amazing physique. It must have a bad effect on married life. I would definitely advise my friend not to marry such a man if she wanted to," the girl said slowly, disappointment visible in her eyes.

Emma gave a nod of approval; she had found a lost lamb once more.

"She can't marry him, but I can," the girl hesitantly exclaimed in the following moment.