Chapter Two


The massacre that occurred within the Brent household showed promise of a significant return on investment. His extensive land and capital ventures bordered mine. With no surviving heirs lurking to steal the opportunity of a lifetime, I was the prime choice.

Cruor was in a tizzy over their deaths. I didn't miss Augustine in the least, petty bastard that he was. When I suggested the king send them to be revived by his feared Keeper of Revenants, he threw me out of the morning meeting. Good fucking riddance. More time alone meant the opportunity to scheme.

I sat on my balcony, legs crossed and one foot bouncing. My attention fixated on the blazing sun that was always partially obscured by an unending eclipse.I felt nothing, but the strength of the rays destroyed the eyes of humans who stared for a prologued time. Therefore, Cruor and most of the surrounding cities housed no one but full-bloods and disgraced half-bloods who didn't have a choice.

Sometimes I felt just as trapped as they did but addicted to court favor rather than dick. I tsked, flicking ash off the end of my silver pipe.

"Stop that," Andre scolded from behind me, reading while leaning against the rail. Bold seeming as the ground lay ten levels below. He's lucky I'm a peaceful narcissist. "You had to have known where your behavior would lead. The Brent's were close friends of the king. One of their sons was rumored to be betrothed to the princess."

He proved less lucky by the minute.

"It doesn't matter now, does it? What vampire mourns death? Isn't that an oxymoron?"

"Your boundless capacity for empathy astounds me every time," he replied, completely deadpan.

"Yet there you stand, brooding in silence."

Andre huffed, shaking his head. He was the Lord of Braxius bordering the west side of Ywen. Our fathers were friends, and so we are too. Having allies was crucial; even reluctant ones.

"You are, unfortunately, the better of many evils."

"How touching."

"Shush, forget I spoke."

I ignored the request, turning on my chair to look at him, one arm along the back of it. "Speaking of the Brent family... has the king mentioned who will receive their ungoverned lands?"

"How you have so many admirers is beyond me. You're tactless as well," Andre muttered, book snapping shut as he whirled to go back inside.

His plum cape matching the House of Braxius caught the low light. With it, a waft of his scent rushed past. There was no way to truly explain it, but he smelled like a warning. Cold silver. Fresh blood. Menthol. Burning coal. Acid.

We were opposites in every way. I drew people toward me like moths to a flame, emanating honey amber which easily bent others to my will. We bickered like mad and argued from time to time. That perceived weakness only bred strength. No matter how much he gripped, Andre leaned on me. I smiled, putting out my smoke and leaving the supplies behind for servants to take care of.

"Why are you so touchy about this?" I pondered, ducking to follow him in. "Don't tell me... Did you love one of them?"

"Of course not, you imbecile. I ought to slap you upside the head for how cheeky you're acting. I came to grant you first ear of confidential information, you know."

He stopped in the doorway of the bath, dark skin bringing out the striking ruby of his gaze. The twin braids of white hair framing them left most love interests speechless, but growing up with him made me immune.

"Oh? Lay it on me, handsome spymaster," I replied with a wink.

"Are you a daemon incarnate? You're actively irritating me and I still want to tell you."

I shrugged, flicking a few loose strands of hair over my shoulder. "Some vampires are blessed with more magnetism than others."

Andre's eyes twitched. "The king was so distraught he ordered me to search the kingdom for any relatives of his fallen friend. Lo and behold, one came out of the woodwork living on the very outskirts of Wexton."

My senses sharpened, all mirth fading in an instant. "Where, exactly?"

"Sutron Village two hours into Brent near the border."

"That's right next to the den."

"Might be unrelated."


"He goes by Eren."


"Halfblood, but yes." I grinned, canines winking as Andre shook his head back and forth. "I don't like that look, nothing good ever happens after I see it."

The idea cooking in my grey matter would make my friend regret telling me anything. My mind was cruel and twisted just like everyone else in Cruor. Those you surround yourself with are those you become. Why not embrace it?

"Relax, I just want to send an emissary down to summon him. I'd like to meet the whore before he's gifted to the king."

Andre frowned. "You know, you're stigmatizing an entire group of people by perpetuating ideas like that. Not all half-bloods end up in brothels. Maybe he's thriving."

"Yeah, and I'm begging for scraps," I scoffed. "Their bodies don't accept blood as ours do, so they search for alternate ways to fulfill the craving. When you can't suck blood, might as well suck dick, right?"

"Holy hell," Andre cursed, stepping in and slamming the bathroom door behind himself.

I cackled, striding toward the desk to write a quick letter to my House. If I got my hands on him first, Eren Brent would be easily cast aside as an illegitimate heir.

I sent the letter off with a seal that would dissolve upon arrival. The messenger had to be quick; if Cruor's king got wind of this, my chance at the Brent lands would crumble faster than revenants caught out in full sunlight. My mind raced with possibilities as I considered the potential power and influence that controlling the Brent estate would bring me. It wasn't just about the riches or the land—it was about solidifying my position and ensuring that my enemies never dared to challenge me.

As I leaned back in my chair, a soft knock echoed through the room. Before I could respond, my loyal servant entered, bowing low.

"My Lord Keller, a messenger has arrived with urgent news," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

I raised an eyebrow. "Well, don't keep me waiting. What news do they bring?"

The servant straightened up, holding out a sealed letter with a familiar crest. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the roaring black bear with a torn rabbit dripping with gore. Lord Trenton was in the capital and summoning me of all people?

I broke the seal with practiced ease, unfolding the parchment to reveal a brief message scrawled in elegant calligraphy.

"Lord Keller,

Your presence is required at the royal court immediately. The king has requested an audience with you regarding urgent matters of state. Travel swiftly and with discretion.

-Lord Trenton"

I frowned, feeling a sliver of unease worm its way into my chest. The timing of this summons was far too coincidental. What game was the king playing now? And how did it involve me?

"Prepare my carriage," I ordered my servant, who nodded and scurried off to carry out my command. As I gathered my belongings and made ready to depart for the royal court, my mind whirred with possibilities.

Whatever awaited me there, I would need to tread carefully. The court was a viper's nest of politics and power plays, and I was not one to be caught unawares.

With a final glance around my chambers, I slipped out of the room, leaving Lord Braxius to slip back between the shadows where he belonged.