Thy Will Be Done - Part 1

The battle was at its peak when Dante confronted Shawn White, his voice filled with disbelief and hurt. "Shawn! How could you betray the clan? Siding with the enemy, for how long? Does Charles know about this?" Dante's eyes were wide with shock.

Shawn's response was cold and bitter. "So many questions, Dante. Truth be told, I never liked you from the moment Charles took you in. You got all his attention, his trust, and his commitment. You were his favorite. And where did that leave me? After all my commitments to the association, to the clan, I was left at third best." Shawn's voice quivered with a mix of anger and pain.

Dante shook his head, trying to comprehend Shawn's bitterness. "Charles never stopped bragging about how great you were after you left the clan to seek out your own adventure," Shawn continued. "He wanted you to take over after his retirement. I knew something was off the moment we both saw you again. I wanted you dead, but Charles insisted on raising you to be the immortal being you are now." Shawn's anger flared. "But this ends today. Mother's will shall be done."

Meanwhile, Liliana faced the undead Dracula, who spoke with a faint, hoarse voice filled with disappointment. "You have been a disappointment to our family, Liliana. Why couldn't you be more like your sister?"

Liliana's resolve was unshaken. "This is not the voice of my father, and neither are you. You're nothing but an imitator," she countered, her determination unwavering.

Emma, the undead version of Liliana's sister, taunted her. "She's nothing compared to me, Father. I've always been our family's favorite daughter, which was why Mother was impressed by my early powers. Lilu here will always be a failure."

As the adversaries locked eyes, Malachi unleashed a powerful light-based blinding attack that stunned several foes and vanquished Azriel's minions entirely. The surroundings were soon covered in thick fog as the adversaries struggled to regain their composure.

Seizing the opportunity, Amy sprang into action. Her first target was Mr. Hawthorne. With a powerful knee kick midair, she struck his face, causing him to bleed from his mouth and nose despite his rapid healing. As he staggered, Amy moved with fluid precision, grabbing his head and executing a flawless somersault. With one foot behind his back at the spinal cord and the other firm on the floor, she swiftly broke his neck and back before tossing him against a wall, shattering it effortlessly.

Amy moved with the precision and speed of a quabrid, her next victim being Shawn White. She mirrored her movements from the previous encounter with Mr. Hawthorne but with a slight, deadly twist. After kneeing Shawn White's face midair, forcing his mouth wide open and exposing his fangs, Amy swiftly somersaulted over and grabbed his upper jaw. With one foot braced behind his back and the other firm on the ground, she morphed into her quabrid form. In an instant, she brutally ripped Shawn White's face off, tearing half his body apart from the combined impacts of her foot and hand.

Without missing a beat, Amy charged at Mr. Hawthorne with blinding speed, ready to finish their fight. The thick fog provided the perfect cover for their strategy. They separated their adversaries, tackling them individually by surprise.

Malachi squared off against Dracula, Liliana against Emma, Bella against Marcus, Dante against Veronica, and Elijah against Rita. Each of them engaged their opponent with fierce determination and skill.

On another front, Peggy Lance briefly awakened her fairy abilities, witnessed by Sharlene. Peggy unleashed a powerful fairy blast that reverberated through the battlefield, vanquishing several undead ancestors. However, she was blasted aside by the undead Sarah Lance's witch magic. Sarah approached the fallen Peggy, ready to strike, when a wizard intervened, unleashing a torrent of wizard fire at Sarah. She shielded herself from the flames, but Peggy quickly regained her footing. Together with the wizard, she channeled her might, shattering Sarah's barrier and vanquishing her. Sarah's form disintegrated into ash and thick black smoke.

On the Jacobs front, they worked in unity, defeating their undead ancestors who had already transformed.

Becca and Hanna Wise mirrored this effort, unleashing their full potential to take down their undead adversaries. Sharlene East, too, displayed incredible power, mirroring the Wise family's efforts in vanquishing her undead ancestors.

Martha Hathaway, fighting valiantly on the battlefield, suddenly found herself confronted by her undead twin, Karl Carl. They stood ten feet apart, eyes locked in a poignant moment. For Martha, it was a chance to reconnect with the brother she never had the opportunity to fully bond with or say goodbye to. Karl's eyes, filled with an eerie loss, wept black tears down his cold skin. His undead form still displayed the scar on his neck, a lasting mark left by Azriel's clawed finger.

Surprising his twin, Karl spoke, "Join Azriel, sister, so we can live as a family again." He took three steps forward before halting, pieces of his flesh falling to the ground. "Our fate is in your hands, sister. Join mother, and she will restore all that was taken from us."

Heartbroken, Martha's face reflected her inner turmoil and longing to be with her brother. The temptation was strong, but she knew siding with Azriel was not the right choice. She spoke to Karl with compassion, explaining the dire consequences of joining Azriel. Her words only angered him, and he transformed into an undead lion, his flesh partially rotting and ribs broken, charging towards her.

For a moment, Martha hesitated, tears streaming down her face. The emotional weight of the choice she faced was almost unbearable. But knowing what she must do, she transformed into a dragon, her fiery fury consuming Karl in a blaze that reduced him to ash and bones.

Reverting back to her human form, Martha knelt down, exhausted and weeping for her undead twin who was now gone forever. The battlefield roared around her, but for a brief moment, she was enveloped in her grief, mourning the brother she had lost once more.