Rhys : Social Eating

The hallways filled swiftly, a tide of exhausted and hungry students. Black stains sprawled across the campus under the blazing sun, casting intense shadows through the baroque windows.

Inside the cafeteria, long golden-yellow tablecloths stretched endlessly. The walls echoed with the voices and laughter of students eager to share storytimes from their vacations.

My tray, containing only a

clementine, contrasted with the multiple dishes adorning the table.

"From now , use my card as you wish my father's covering all our meals," Caspian said between bites of chicken.

Nissa gazes at him in admiration since his arrival earlier. To her, he embodies an ideal friendship beyond me, evident in her eyes.

As she dug into her plate, noise behind me caught my attention.

"You'll get over it !"

"Why do I sense this won't stop you from annoying the coach again?"

"Shut up."

Nissa noticed my unease and subtly signaled to switch tables. I stared at my glass, ignoring her, trying to distract myself.

"Forget that! I have good news and bad news."

Valen turned to Maxen.

"Good news: Zularen's throwing a party tomorrow, perfect to forget this... episode ."

"And the bad?"

"He doesn't know yet, but it's okay, we can improvise."

Valen shot him a look, but when he turned away, he jumped.

"A party?"

Their voices froze, and the cafeteria seemed to hold its breath, whispers and quick glances filling the silence.

Zander set his tray near Keegan, who brightened. His black hair accentuated deep gray eyes. An amethyst cross hung from his neck, and his long lashes could mesmerize anyone.

Unlike me, he radiated charisma.

He rolled up his sleeves with grace, and no one touched their food until he did.

"Hey there, good vacation?" Keegan asked, poking him with his fork.

Zander glanced at him, passive but not pushing him away.

"Do you approve of this party idea?"

"Can't hurt, plus Valen got a beating this morning, he needs 'psychological support.'"

Maxen chuckled, tossing bread at his friend.

"If by 'psychological support' you mean 'getting wasted,' then I agree with you."

Suddenly, nothing around me seemed appetizing.

Nissa stood, firmly grasping Caspian's arm, forcing him to drop his fork. As I moved to stand, a firm hand gripped my shoulder, forcing me back into my seat.

"Enjoy the meal, and have a great year."

Even with closed eyes, I knew who stood before me. I'd recognize his presence anywhere. My back stiffened, unsure what to expect.

Zander tossed his plate onto my tray and then picked up those of the students sitting near me, placing them in my line of sight.

Nine plates exactly.

"You don't have to greet me here."

"Luckily, being rude isn't my style."

"Between rudeness and stupidity, I'd pick rudeness any day."

Zander sat next to me, chin resting in his hands.

"I'm feeling generous today, last time, there were only three."

My heart raced as I clenched my fists on my thighs. He sensed my panic and swiftly gripped my neck firmly.

"Hey, Rhys, when do you plan to stay in your place?"

"You said to act like I was dead, but I never said yes"

"So, would you really deny me a favor? That's not like you, is it?"

I locked eyes with him, seeing only malice and amusement.

At that moment, i regretted not getting up a few minutes earlier. I

had hoped today might be different, that Zander might have changed during these two months apart.

I never expected to be treated as his best friend. But deep down, I yearned for him to see me for who I truly am.

A brother.

Zander took my breath away by pinching my n'ose. I tried to resist him as best can, but my lungs are already compressing in my chest. With his left hand, he grabs a handful of pasta overflowing with a blood-red sauce and forcefully shoves it into my mouth..

My vision blurred, hearing distant, as he emptied two more plates, his other hand still on my nose. My throat desperately swallows for air as the food threatens to choke me.

My brain stops counting and the tears on my cheeks remind me that I am still conscious.

Zander wipes his hands on my shirt, out of breath, and realize I'm on the ground. A sharp cough makes me spit out the food stuck in my throat, making him laugh even louder.

"It's time," Zander said, pointing at my throat.

My sticky clothes reek of chicken in sauce, and my tousled black hair makes me look lost.

I stagger, trying to get up, aware that all eyes are on me. Only the birds flying in through the stained-glass windows seem not to have witnessed my humiliation.

My gaze meets Keegan's, who doesn't look away. Shame

overwhelms me as lower my head, letting my hair fall over my face.

"I'd rather not be alive. You're not the only one who wants me dead. You're not special."

"If you could feel what i feel, you would know that what is coming out of your mouth right now is nothing but a lie.".

Zander's hand gripped my chest, whispering in my ear.

"No one hates you like I do and no one wants to see you lifeless like I do."

My vision blurred as I pushed away, fleeing the cafeteria.


In the dim bathroom, I knelt before the toilet, my body wracked with sobs.

Hands trembling on cold porcelain, face pale with sadness. Tears flow freely down my cheeks, mixing with my hair sticky from sweat.

With every effort, each spasm tears a bit more of my dignity away. The bitter taste burns my throat, but no taste is more dreadful than the impassiveness in Keegan's eyes.

With each new wave of disgust, my breathing becomes weaker, more erratic.

After an eternity, I leaned back, knees to chest. Suddenly my phone is ringing.


"I'll be at your school in five minutes, Mr. Yularen. You can come out already if you want.."

Wet finger hit "end call,"while leaning against the wall.

Passing a mirror, my soul seemed distant, yet present. Bruised body, sore but still standing.

In front of the family estate, my driver diverted from the main driveway to go few streets away. Henri handed me a key as was about to open the door.

"Everything you requested is inside, including your dye and contact lenses, sir."

I take it from him without responding or looking at him. I

knew my father's servants were always loyal and faithful. Whatever my troubles, they had never asked questions and had always accepted my requests.

I open the back door of the small house and slip inside without looking back. A strong smell of cigar and vanilla fills the room. The surveillance cameras are off, and my dirty shoes leave traces behind me.

This is where my father likes to invite his associates to smoke and play over a drink. For me, it's a refuge where i can truly be myself, without color, without a mask, without a role to play..

After a quick shower, I put on my lenses and apply temporary dye from the roots. I slip into a silky shirt and brand-name jewelry to accentuate my new look.

On the island of the modern little kitchen sits a dish of various shellfish, a bottle of champagne, and my favorite snacks.

But my attention is immediately drawn to the laptop placed in the background.

My body relaxes quickly, and as start the live stream, a deluge of messages fills my screen. Naturally, a smile lights up my face, and without thinking, I let out :

"Missed you all,"