Nissa : NightVenom

I head towards the back of NightVenom, my secret place, my refuge, my second home. A hostess bar, where I'm paid to keep lonely souls company around a table.

I take a deep breath before pushing the door. Inside, it's dim and intimate.

Red velvet sofas line the room, and glass coffee tables are set up for private conversations. Soft lights from crystal chandeliers and small table lamps create a warm, welcoming vibe. The background music is a mix of jazz and bossa nova, adding a touch of class.

The other hostesses are already at work, chatting and laughing with clients, drink in hand. At the back of the room, a small dark wooden bar, managed by Leo the bartender, offers a variety of sophisticated drinks. Leo, always passive, nods at me as he sees me approaching.

"You're late" , he grumbles.

"Some things never change," I reply with a smile.

"There are clients waiting for you" .

" Huh?"

"In the VIP room, it's your lucky day. Just make sure we don't get any complaints."

I'm never comfortable in the private rooms, never had a particular client. Sometimes, there are those with ill intentions, but it's rare. All the girls here are prettier than me, and way more feminine.

Leo must be mistaken.

I head towards the small staff rest area. It's not very big, but it's quiet. Opening my locker, I swap my school uniform for hostess attire: a white tulle mini-dress with black frills at the ends. I fasten a matching necklace around my neck and let down my ponytail.

I have a knot in my stomach that prevents me from being in a good mood, so I try to ignore it. I slip on my heels, the pearls caressing my ankles, and close my locker.

The VIP rooms are upstairs, a place I rarely visit. Sometimes I go there to practice on the poles or learn how to pour champagne with Leo. There's a certain etiquette in hostess bars to distinguish us from nightclubs.

We give love in our own way, through conversation, through exchange. Sometimes, we need to reassure our clients when they're anxious, and that's never been difficult for me.

Who would have thought it would change so quickly?

My tray is loaded with seven tequila shots and a slice of raspberry cake. I didn't even know we sold cake, maybe it's a special order.

Panicking, I'm about to turn back when a voice makes me jump.

"I told you to be more careful! Keegan should never have found out."

"Keegan shouldn't have mentioned it in the first place."

" True! Zander, what's this got to do with him anyway?"

My heart races and my hands tremble slightly, the glasses threatening to slip.

"Don't mention his name."

Leo is behind me with a bottle of champagne, and it's too late to flee. This is the first day that I would prefer to be anywhere but NightVenom.

He gives me a questioning look before walking past me to open the door.

The room is breathtakingly beautiful. White flowers hang from the ceiling, overlooking a large U-shaped leather sofa. A huge aquarium lines one wall, while a pole dance bar glows under purple neon lights.

Six area one students stand in front of me. I recognize Briar Blackforest, the editor of the Willowbrook Times (WBTIMES), the school newspaper.

A commanding figure on the lookout for the latest juicy gossip. All the gossip starts with her, which is what makes her so popular. Her friend Elowen Bass funds the academy and manages most of the WBTIMES finances.

"It's her, Zularen, my contacts never lie."

Zander stands in the center, his gray eyes piercing me. His shirt is half-open, revealing silver chains adorned with fake padlocks. His wet black hair is pulled back, a strand casually falling on his forehead.

" Nissa?"

Beside him stands a short girl with a bob haircut.


Leo sets the champagne bottle on the table and signals he stays behind the door in case of trouble.

Zander gazes at Doeve with a dark look. He brushes her cheek, making her tremble. No one is comfortable when Zularen acts unusually, in fact, no one ever knows what he's thinking.

He doesn't inspire trust, even among those who've known him forever. Unpredictable, his thoughts are always a mystery.

Silence falls as if time has frozen, everyone uncomfortable with Doeve's glistening tears.

Zander gently strokes her cheek with a smirk, watching her obvious nervousness.

"Who allowed you to talk to her?"

Without hesitation, I step forward to place the glasses on the table, along with the piece of cake. My hands tremble slightly, but I try to remain calm. I then bring the tray against my chest and offer a smile as sweet as possible.

" Welcome to NightVenom, thank you for visiting us tonight. My name is Heaven and I'll be your hostess for the evening. Is this your first time here?"

Zander turns his gaze to me while putting his arm around Doeve's shoulders, who lowers her head to hide her wet cheeks.

" Yes, it's my first time. Promise me you'll be gentle."

I grip my fingers so tightly they turn white.

He takes a shot of tequila and downs it in one go, still staring at me. Then, he brings the second glass close to Doeve's lips and forces her to drink, his gaze still fixed on me. My heart tightens as I try to appear as natural as possible.

" Heaven, right? Are you an angel falling from the trees?"

" Don't flatter me, dear client."

"how disappointing , fortunately nowadays plastic surgery works wonders."

My lips tighten and I almost slip from my heels. Zander chuckles, leaning casually against the sofa.

"Leave us."

Doeve stands up first and heads for the door without even looking at me. The others follow more slowly, while Briar winks at me with a smirk.

" You're protecting Rhys. Why?"

I pretend to ignore him while holding his icy gaze. Zander grabs the champagne bottle and stands right in front of me. He hands it below my chin so that the cork grazes my throat.

"Pop up champagne" , he murmurs.

His hand slides the champagne bottle as I feel the cork gradually escaping from the bottle.

My heart beats so hard I wonder if he hears it. if I don't stop him, I might lose my voice for several days.

"Rhys saved my life, he's my friend!"

Zander runs his tongue over his lips then leans back to lean against the edge of the table, still directing the bottle towards me. His intense eyes fixes me, captivating and mysterious at the same time.

" Since this morning, rumors have been saying that I'm Jay. People are taking pictures of me and asking me to sign autographs. I wonder why" .

"I don't know."

"Oh really?"

I lower my arms by passing the tray behind my back.

" I wonder what would happen if this place went bankrupt, I guess that wouldn't be a big loss."

I don't recognize the sound coming out of my mouth.

"What do you want, Zander."

"I want you to end your whatever relationship with Rhys."

"Why? Rhys saved my life."

" It's weird. I heard Rhys ruins people's lives."

"It's not true!"

At that moment, With that, he pops the cork of the bottle, hitting me in the face. Pain shoots through my face. Zander approaches and empties the content of my hair onto my hair. The liquid flows along my body, soaking every fiber of my clothes.

" ding dong, wrong answer."

I shiver as the cold invades me while the drops fall to the ground.

"I wonder how far you would go to protect your boyfriend," he murmurs in my ear.

Zander presses the empty bottle against my chest, and I take it out of my hands, knocking the wooden tray over.

Leo walks into the room and pulls me towards him, as if he wanted to protect me.

" I'm going to ask you to leave the premises, sir."

" Pack my piece of raspberry cake for me, will you? It would be a shame to waste such good work," Zander says, scrutinizing me from head to toe.

As he walks away, Leo hugs me, gently running his hand over my back to comfort me. Tears flow without me realizing it, and it's at that moment that I realize I've signed my death warrant.


In the bus, people keep giving me these side-eye glances while I stare out the window, totally lost in my thoughts. I press my forehead against the cold glass, trying to zone out to the rows of houses passing by.

The dull grey facades and empty gardens seem to mirror how little I care about the crap Rhys has been putting up with lately. It's like watching a never-ending reel of anonymous scenes.

I didn't know it would hurt this much.

I watch the flickering lights in the windows, wondering what stories are hidden behind those walls, hoping to find some comfort in the mundane lives around me.

Then, suddenly, the loudspeaker announces my stop. I pull up my hood and step out into the night. Rain's starting to fall, breaking the sunny streak we've had since school started.

I pass more and more huge mansions, one after another. I whip out my phone, switch on the flashlight, and approach this massive hedge behind one of them.

I check around, then climb up these huge trees I've scoped out from my past visits. My fingers find a branch, sliding down to reach this rattan ladder. I swing it hard, just enough so it falls on the other side of the fence.

Lying low in the bushes, I stash the ladder under a tiny fir tree. I sneak along, keeping to the shadows against the stone wall, feeling my way down to this long window.

I push hard, praying the window's

is open, then slip my foot through the gap.

I hit the floor, only to see him look at me saying , "I doubt kids' toy stores are open this late."

I point my light at him, grimacing.

"My boss won't cut me loose. It's been nuts with all the Christmas craziness."

"Christmas is four months away, Nissa, and I suppose if I ask why you smell like champagne, you'll tell me your manager is an alcoholic too?"

"Just like if I asked why you've got a huge bruise on your head, Rhys?"

He smiles, putting his arm around my shoulders. He turns off my phone and leads me down the hallway, lights automatically dimming behind us.

"Come on, I've got a bath running for you."

If I could live forever hidden in Rhys's maid's room, I would do it without hesitation. I no longer fear closing my eyes at night, knowing he watches over me when I return. I don't deserve his dedication, but I'd do anything to support and comfort him when he's alone. Even if he doesn't ask, I'll do my best to be there for him.

The bathwater is warm, the foam soothing my skin. Rhys takes care of me tenderly, gently massaging my hair with his fingertips as he shampoos it.

The bathroom is a haven of peace: the white and old rose tiles illuminate the golden glow of the candles, while the polished marble walls gleam immaculate, free of any dust.

In this perfect calm, I quiet my thoughts, gently blowing on the bubbles resting on my hands.

"If one day we went far on vacation."

"just us ?"



"To Italy, Rome."

Rhys lowers his hands to get more soap.

"Do you even speak Italian?"

I nudge him with my elbow, and he smiles.

"I'd like to try their pizzas, everyone says they're good."

"We could make that happen..."


Rhys goes back to shampooing my hair, preventing the foam from falling into my eyes.

"Anything you want, Nissa. Truly anything."

"Why are you so kind to me?"

"Why not?"

I turn to face him, catching him off guard.

"Seriously Rhys, you were a prince charming before becoming a Yularen?"

"More like the beast."

"The beast couldn't leave his castle, so where's your curse?"

Rhys sighs, raising both hands in front of my face.

"It's right here."

"And where are the last petals of your rose?"

He takes my fingers, pressing them against his chest.

"Right here."

I'd want to cheer him up like he does for me

"And I'm Belle, your princess, so I'll break your Curse"

Rhys chuckles, running water through my hair.

"Belle didn't sneak out late at night, jump out windows, and show up smelling like champagne."

"Hey!" I say, laughing in turn.

I take some foam in my hands to spread on his face, and he blows, sending bubbles back toward me.

"I'll lift your curse, Rhys, I promise."