Chapter 16

Nextor chuckle a bit and follow her instruction as he bending his knee "haha..why you want more kisses?" said Nextor jokingly. Iyraki smirk and smile as she ask him to close his eyes politely. Nextor chuckle and close his eyes as he assume that Iyraki is craving for his lips.

Little did he know that Iyraki face has switch to piss off mode, without thinking about the consequences she grab both of his ears and twist it which makes Nextor screaming in pain.

Nextor grab his ears holding the pain as Iyraki release her hands from his ears. Then, Iyraki headbutt Nextor forehead once again. And both of them fall into their knees feels pain on their head.

"ergh..Oii! Why did you do that for?!" said Nextor, furious while rubbing his forehead, as he feels the pain on his ears and forehead now.

Iyraki rub her forehead too " is all your fault for stealing my first kiss and..ergh..why is your head so hard"