Chapter 19

Nextor sighing once again and said "To assure you that I will not break my promise, I will take the confidential documents after the agreement has been drafted. And once we sign the agreement, you can return the documents to me. What do you say?" said Nextor calmly. Iyraki surprise a little by his decision, she decided to give it to him anyway.

"sigh, here take it" said Iyraki as she handover the confidential documents to him. Nextor surprise and confuse by her action as he know that she seems still has doubt of him, he raise one side of his eyebrows.

"I..It is yours anyway..For me to get ahold of it as if I am blackmail you kinda inappropriate" said Iyraki while turn her gaze away.

Nextor take the confidential documents from Iyraki and stare at her and said..