Chapter 31

"erm..well, maybe are afraid that you will fall in love with Mr. Nextor for real during those 1 year period while act as a lover?" ask Rizky try to tackle Iyraki reason for questioning the additional conditions stated in the contract agreement. 

Both Iyraki and Nextor eyes widen, however only Iyraki cheeks shows a slight blushed which makes her to turn away her gaze while Nextor just smirk and a little smile draw on his face, looking at Iyraki reaction while he nod as agree with Rizky statement.

Nextor notice Iyraki is thinking for a moment, he stand up from his chair and walk towards her and take a few strands of Iyraki hair while saying "You know what, I am never this kind with the people either man or woman that I am dealing with especially the person who blackmail me." said Nextor.

"But, I do hope you could consider that this contract boyfriend thingy might benefit both of us in the future. What do you say, princess?" said Nextor as he kiss the few strands of her hair. 

Iyraki face shows..