Chapter 37

Once Iyraki chase after R.P., she's walking beside him. However, he's trying to walk faster to leave her behind but, Iyraki successfully to chase after him again. "Hey, wait up" said Iyraki confuse by R.P. action.

As both of them has arrived and entered R.P. office, he glare at Iyraki without say anything at first which make Iyraki confuse of his action.

" something wrong, R.P.? Did I get onto your bad side or something?" Iyraki brace herself to ask bluntly to get to know him. R.P. then, cross his arms and ask her about her relation with Nextor and if she enter the company using a connection.

Iyraki eyebrow raise one side and said "Excuse me? Have you read my resume?" Iyraki feel offended by R.P. questions.

"Then, why are you so closed with him just now, h..he even kiss you, right?" said R.P. slightly embarrass by the scene between Iyraki and Nextor.

Iyraki blushed red and she's immediately reply as she's recall back the memory of Nextor action in front of Nextor's office.

"Wa..wait,..that is..