Chapter 39

And Iyraki surprise, when R.P., send an email of her first job task. "Wha..what is this?!"

Iyraki was assigned to be apperantice or mentee and R.P. will be her mentor. R.P. briefly explained that he had review Iyraki resume even though this is her first job, her profile has listed that she had a quite good skills especially her intellectual skills.

Iyraki try to be humble and said "That's all on paper. I will still need guidance on how to carry out the actual tasks". R.P. nod as agree and that makes him decided to become her mentor as he explained to Iyraki.

Iyraki first task is to investigate fraud of fake contract. This evening there will be a sign up contract between this Pharmaceutical & Healthcare company with the funder.

Iyraki eyes widen when she heard..