Chapter 45

Nextor smirk and tell Iyraki don't get so worked up by a simple mark. He is then pointing outside of the window. Iyraki surprise to see R.P. was outside of the car, standing at the lobby together with a few subordinates who just come to the office. R.P. stare directly at them for a moment and walk away to ride the cab that stop behind Nextor's limo.

"Oh no,..R.P. sees us.." said Iyraki as her secret revealed after R.P. saw what Nextor did to her just now. Looking at Iyraki pale face makes Nextor burst into a laugh.

Iyraki pout mad at Nextor for laughing at her cause she doesn't find it is funny.

"You are so adorable do you know that?" said Nextor still laugh. Iyraki pout mad as she doesn't understand, she looks away towards the window by her side, feels mad until Rizky enter the limo.

"What's wrong with..