Chapter 51

"heh-feisty. So, do you think a Forensic Accountant like you can handle that?" said Nextor pointing his index finger at her right hips.

Iyraki surprise to see a silencer has been strap on her right hips.

"Are you asking me to dirty my hands like you" Iyraki firmly said. Nextor just smirk and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and said "Well, I know you doesn't look like a fragile flower. But, it doesn't hurt to just bring it along to protect you as you know the party is no ordinary party. All the guests are from a black organization if you know what I mean. And don't worry this time it does not contain water, unlike yours".

Iyraki feels embarrass as she remember the first met scene where she use water gun as a disguise try to deceive Nextor.

After a few words with Iyraki,..