The confrontation.

Rahmah decided to rest a bit before doing the other house chores she'd abandoned while rushing to prepare breakfast, when she got back home after dropping the kids at school, but still couldn't sleep.

The lewd scene of her husband getting down with Sandra in his office, kept appearing before her eyes whenever she tried closing her eyes. Her soft moans and his deep groans and grunts that indicated he was enjoying himself too much, kept disturbing her ears. She was so pissed off.

She just couldn't believe that the man who had been pushing her away, since more than a year ago, complaining of low se.x.ual drive could be that energetic with another woman.

"It's been more than a year since he hugged me, not to talk of or s.e.x! So, that woman is the reason he hasn't been coming to me!" Rahmah soliloquized aloud. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"But why? Sandra, why?" She shook her head sullenly. She was so hurt.

"I need to go and confront that woman instead of wallowing in this pain!" She concluded and got up from the bed.

Because she was so out of it, she'd forgotten she hadn't taken a bath that morning and just went straight to her disorganized wardrobe.

She hastily threw on a long grey oversized gown, put on a purple slippers that was nearby, covered her dishelleved hair with her overused afro wig, carried her everyday go-to purse, and rushed out of the house.

She was standing by the roadside, trying to stop a cab, when a familiar car parked by her side. It was Sandra's.

"Thinking of the, and here she appears, reeking of shame and dirt!" Rahmah spat at the woman as she alighted from the car, elegantly.

"Reek? Oh, dear...that ridiculous afro wig on your head must have covered your rationality." Sandra shot back, with a smirk.

"I've always known that you're brazen but I never expected you to stoop so low to sleeping with your friend's husband! Sandra, you're a dis.gra.ce to womanhood. You dis.gust me! How could you seduce my husband?" Rahmah yelled at her, furiously.

Sandra chuckled softly.

"Why are you getting it twisted? I do not need to seduce your husband before he comes to me...he sees what he craves for in me, and comes to beg for it. What his wife completely lacks!" She announced. Rahmah was flabbergasted.

"What I lack that you have? The only thing you have that I lack is sha.melessness! You're sha.meless!" Rahmah retorted.

Sandra threw back her head that was adorned with a classy, black short bob, and laughed so hard.

"You're so out of your mind, Rahmah! So, you not being sha.meless is you running around the streets of this city, dressed disg.racefully, looking like an untamed wild animal? That's disgusting, babe! " Sandra replied her amidst mock laughter.

Rahmah was so furious. She didn't know when she raised her hand and slapped Sandra hard across the face. Sandra nearly stumbled from the impact of the heavy slap. It was unexpected. The Rahmah that she knew was not a violent person so she wasn't expecting such reaction.

"How dare you? You're sleeping with my husband and still has the nerves to be hurling insult on me? You're such a cra.zy woman!" Rahmah yelled at her after slapping her.

While Sandra was still trying to comport herself and recover from the shock, Rahmah removed the dirty afro wig on her head, moved closer to Sandra, and started whipping the latter's head and face with it. She didn't spare any part on her face, even her mouth got whipped by the dirty wig, getting her red lipstick all over the wig.

She later dropped the wig and started smacking Sandra harshly with her palms, screaming profanities at her.

Sandra was too mortified to fight back! She just wanted to run into her car and drive off but Rahmah kept blocking her way. Rahmah had suddenly become so strong.

Gradually, people started gathering on them. Sandra wished the ground would open and swallow her up, to save her from the embarrassment.