Disorder in his stomach and home!


chapter 13

Rahmah packed her luggage and left the house as she'd planned. Mama and Stephen couldn't do anything to stop her. She'd made up her mind and there was no going back.

Besides, Wura had talked to Mama and Stephen, to allow the determined woman do what would make her happy. Wura also took it upon herself to calmly explain the whole thing to her grand kids, and pleaded with them, to cooperate with their mother and allow her achieve her goal.

Even though the kids didn't understand how it would be, they gladly agreed to be supportive.

Stephen was present when Rahmah left with her mother, when the latter was going home, yet he still couldn't believe that was happening.

The following morning was Monday. Mama was enjoying her sleep when a cold hand snaked into the blanket covering her, and made contact with her lower leg.

She jolted awake with a yelp and quickly removed the blanket from her head to search frantically for what touched her.

She saw the thick bushy hair on a head and had nearly screamed out in fright, before seeing the owner's face.

It was Teni. She had bent her head while trying to remove part of the blanket Mama had flung to her body, unknowingly.

"Teni? What are you doing here, by this time, looking like that? When and why did you even loose your hair?" Mama asked her.

"I did that last night before going to bed. Today is Monday and I am supposed to make a new hair style over the weekend." Teni replied her.

"Well, are you not supposed to still be in bed? Why did you come to disturb my sleep? Don't you know you're not supposed to disturb elders when they're sleeping?" Mama pressed further, annoyingly. She was annoyed that her peaceful sleep was disturbed, on a cold morning, that she was still supposed to be tucked inside the blanket and be snoring lowly.

"Today is Monday. We have to go to school." Teni informed her sharply. Mama's lips parted slightly, in shock.

"Oh, my God! There's school, today??? I've totally forgotten about you, guys. What's the time now?" Mama inquired.

"It's 7am. I've been awake since, waiting for our mother to come take care of our bath, at her usual time. I now remembered that she has traveled, that's why I came to wake you up." Teni informed her.

Mama stood up hurriedly from the bed at the mention of the time.

"What? Oh, no! You guys are already late. Come and take a bath, first." Mama stated and dragged her back to their room, where Tola was still sleeping.

"Go wake your brother up and meet me in the bathroom, right now." Mama instructed them, firmly.

"Sleepyhead, you won't know when to wake up until they wake you up. Stand up!!!" Teni yelled at her brother and removed the blanket from his body.

Tola got out from the bed reluctantly and followed his sister into the bathroom.

"Why are you guys still in your pyjamas? Don't you know you're supposed to remove your pyjamas and tie a towel when coming into the bathroom? Didn't your mother teach you that much? Oh, my God, Rahmah has really done a tacky job training you guys... You're so dependent on her." Mama scolded them sternly.

"It's cold... I'm feeling cold. You haven't even boiled the water we will use." Tola replied Mama immediately.

"We will remove our pyjamas when the hot water we will use, is ready." Teni chipped in.

Mama looked at the kids like they had grown two heads.

"Who told you, you're using hot water? Do you not know that you're late already?" Mama stated.

"Our mother always bath us with hot water. We can't bath with cold water, Grandma. We might fall sick." Tola maintained, and wrapped his arms around his body protectively. Teni supported his claim by nodding her head, too.

"Eh,eh! You spoilt brats, how will using cold water just today make you fall sick? Will you rather not bath to school today, hun?" Mama snapped at them.

The twins burst into tears.

"Ah, we will stink if we do not take a bath before going to school, and our classmates will make jest of us." Teni protested.

"We will rather not go to school." Tola added.

Mama gritted her teeth frustratedly. She eyed them scornfully and then went into the kitchen to boil water for them.

"Grandma, how about my hair?" Teni asked Mama. That was after Mama had successfully bathed them and was hurriedly dressing up for them. It was 7:35am.

"What about it? Do you expect me to sit down and be making the hair now? Am I a hair stylist? And even if I am, is this the time for that?" Mama snapped at her, and as an afterthought, she combed the hair and tied it at the end with a ribbon.

"My mummy use to make it for me at times like this." Teni announced and pouted.

"I have never carried my hair to school like this, before." The girl added, as she ran a hand over her head, trying to feel the hair.

Mama stood up from the edge of the bed she had been sitting at.

"Well, I can't. I'm not your vibrant young mother, I'm just an old woman. I don't have strength for that. I'm feeling so exhausted already. Carry your school bags and come eat breakfast." Mama informed her firmly and went out of the room.

Teni frowned her face but she and Tola did as they were told and followed Mama to the dinning hall.

"The kids are still at home? Aren't they late for school already?" Stephen exclaimed surprisingly as he saw the kids. He was already seated at the dinning hall, making tea for himself.

Mama eyed him scornfully.

"As if they'd just get up from bed and disappear, right?" Mama snapped at him. He knew better to not reply because that'd anger her further so he shook his head and muttered an apology.

"Where's their food? Have you packed their lunch bags?" Mama asked. Stephen was taken aback.

"I am supposed to prepare food for them? Nobody told me that..." Stephen stated, shockingly.

Mama was flabbergasted. She snapped at him.

"So, now you're a kid that needs to be given instructions on what to do, before doing the necessary thing? Did you think I can be in two places at the same time? Were you expecting your old mother to be jumping up and down this early? What sort of a child do you want to be to me, Stephen?"

Stephen sighed heavily and huffed.

"Mama, please calm down. I really thought you've got a way around everything just like how Rahmah used to sort everything out all at once. And besides, you didn't inform me beforehand. I didn't mean to upset you." Stephen stated, apologetically.

"Well, I'm not Rahmah. I'm an old woman who is managing herself. And stop saying I didn't tell you beforehand, you ought to know what to do without being told." Mama stated, frustratedly.

"Now, what will you do about their food?" She added.

"Don't worry, ma. That's simple. I will give their teacher money to buy breakfast and lunch for them, at school. They're late already. There's no need trying to fix anything for them, anymore. You can relax, I will take them to school." Stephen explained to his mother, calmly.

"But Daddy, mummy said the food at school can't be trusted." Tola began, eagerly.

"She said homemade meals are what we need for our growth." Teni added.

"So we've never eaten school meal, before. What if it disturbs our stomachs?" Tola concluded.

Mama scoffed. Stephen furrowed his brows, in surprise. He couldn't believe the guts of his kids.

"These spoilt brats are at it again!" Mama muttered to herself and looked away.

"My friends, will you get your butts moving right away and meet me at the parking lot, or you would need me to disturb your butts with spankings before that school meal will disturb your stomachs?" Stephen bellowed at the kids.

The kids scurried away, frightfully.

As he walked out of the house, he couldn't help but think of how empty his stomach felt.

That'd be the first time he would leave home without putting anything in his stomach. The person that always ensured everything was in order wasn't around.

So, there was a disorder both in his stomach and in his home.