

My eyes shutter open as a slanted view of a dumpster (the one I decided to crash in front of the night before) fills my sight. My body was cold and every brush of wind felt like a splash of acid on my skin. Still it was far better than being back home. Anything was better. I held in the groan of pain begging to escape me (like I always did). I managed to go from my side to a sitting position (not without pain of course) the wind picked up and all the pain in my skin seemed to fade. well I mean all the feeling in my skin seemed to fade.

I noticed the lack of pain as one might notice their lack of sight. My eyes closed for a couple of seconds as I tried to gather the events of the day prior. My eyes shot open quickly when I remembered. I quickly reached for the bottom of the t-shirt I was wearing but my fingers contorted slightly. I straightened them out and lifted the bottom of my shirt just enough to see the words "killer" carved into the left side of my stomach.

I let my shirt fall and cover the word as I covered up all the memories that were associated with it. Sorta like the way a child might clean their room by shoving all their trash into a closet. I then focused on the one goal I've had since I was 6. Staying alive. I had to stay alive. (no matter how much i wanted to be dead deep down) I had to stay alive. Failure isn't an option, only a consequence. Even if that consequence would let me rest, even if that consequence would let me finally escape dan. That had to be the only way to escape him. Because I've tried every way I could think of. And it just ends in bruises.