The Morning After


The next morning, I woke up early, the sunlight streaming through the thin curtains. Noah was still asleep, curled up next to me. I carefully got out of bed, not wanting to wake him, and headed to the kitchen. My parents were already up, sitting at the small table with cups of coffee. They looked up as I entered, the weariness in their eyes evident.

"Morning," I said quietly, grabbing a glass of water since there was nothing else to drink.

"Morning, Markus," my dad replied, trying to sound cheerful.

"We were thinking of taking a walk around the neighborhood before we leave," my mom said, her voice tentative. "Would you like to join us?"

I hesitated but then nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good."

We finished our drinks in silence and then headed out. The morning air was crisp, and the streets were quiet. As we walked, my parents pointed out different landmarks—a small park, the local school, and a grocery store. It was their way of helping me get familiar with my new surroundings.

We made a quick grocery run while we were near the store since I knew Noah would want to eat something. I also stocked up on coffee grounds, heavily addicted to the nectar of the gods.

As we reached the edge of the woods, I felt a strange sense of calm. This place, Beacon Hills, was starting to feel like it could be home. When we returned to the house, Noah was awake and watching cartoons on the TV. He looked up as we walked in and smiled.

"Hey, Mars!"

"Hey, buddy. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. Can we have breakfast now?" Noah asked eagerly.

We spent the next hour making breakfast together. It was a simple meal—scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon—but it felt special. The tension from the previous night eased slightly.

As we sat down to eat, my mom reached out and took my hand. "We're proud of you, Markus. We know this isn't easy, but you're handling it well."

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Thanks, Mom"

After breakfast, my parents began packing up their things. The time had come for them to leave. Noah clung to me.

"I don't want to leave you, Mars."

I knelt and hugged him tightly. "You're not leaving me forever, Noah. We'll see each other again next summer or maybe sooner. And we can talk on the phone, okay?"

He nodded, tears streaming down his face. "Okay."

My parents gave me one last hug. Though it didn't feel like it used to, they were still hesitant to make too much physical contact with me.

"Take care of yourself, Markus. And remember, we're always here for you," my dad said.

"I will," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

As they drove away, I stood on the porch, watching until their car disappeared from view. I took a deep breath and turned back to the house. It was just me now. This was my chance to start over, to prove to myself and my family that I could handle this.

I spent the rest of the day settling into the house. It was small but cozy, and the proximity to the woods gave me a sense of freedom.

I thought about the teen my age I saw yesterday and decided I should introduce myself since he was my neighbor for the foreseeable future and a potential friend. I walked over to the house next to mine. I walked up to the porch and gave a couple of knocks.

The teen I saw yesterday opened the door, only to freeze as he had to look up slightly to meet my eyes. He was skinny and sounded out of breath from having run down the stairs.

"Hey, how can I help you?" he asked, pulling out an inhaler and taking a puff.

"Hi, I'm Markus, or Mark, whichever you prefer. I just moved into the house next to you and, as lame as it sounds, would you like to be friends? Also, I'm 16," I said, hoping I didn't sound as desperate as I felt.


Holy shit. This dude is my age. He's way taller than me and looks like he goes to the gym daily. Wait a minute, he wants to be my friend?

He doesn't look like the type who would want to hang out with people who aren't in the popular crowd. But how can I turn down the chance to make friends with someone before they become the talk of the school?

"Yeah, sure. My name is Scott McCall." I reached my hand out to give it a shake.

My hand was engulfed by his as he gripped it firmly and gave a quick shake.

I have to tell Stiles about the new guy in town. Maybe I can get him to meet up with Stiles and me tomorrow.


"Nice to meet you, Scott," I said, relieved that he seemed friendly.

"I figured it would be good to get to know the neighbors, especially since I'll be here for a while."

"Yeah, totally," Scott replied, his face lighting up with a genuine smile.

"It's not often we get new people around here. I think you'll like it."

"I hope so," I said. "So, any tips for the new guy? Best places to hang out, avoid, that sort of thing?"

Scott nodded eagerly. "For sure. There's the local coffee shop, which is pretty popular. The school isn't far away, and the park is a good spot to relax or play some sports. And, if you're into it, the woods are great for hiking. Just, uh, be careful at night. There been howls of wolves in the forest lately"

"Noted, Thanks for the heads-up."

"No problem," Scott said. "Hey, My friend, Stiles, and I are getting together tomorrow at the park. If you're free."

"That sounds great," I said, genuinely excited at the prospect of making more friends. "Count me in."

"Awesome," Scott said. "I'll swing by in the afternoon and we can head over together."

We exchanged numbers, and I headed back to my house with a lighter heart. Maybe this fresh start wouldn't be so bad after all.

The rest of the day was spent unpacking things that arrived from the moving company. I arranged my books on the shelves, set up my gaming console, and organized my clothes. As I worked, I found myself looking forward to tomorrow, something I hadn't felt in a long time.

Later, as the sun began to set, I decided to take a walk in the woods behind the house. The air was cool, and the rustling leaves provided a soothing soundtrack to my thoughts. I felt a deep connection to the forest, a sense of belonging that I hadn't felt anywhere else. This place was starting to feel like home.

When I returned, the house was quiet. I made a simple dinner and ate alone, reflecting on the day. Meeting Scott had been a positive step, and I hoped the rest of the people in Beacon Hills would be just as welcoming.

Before heading to bed, I texted my parents to let them know I was settling in well. I received a quick reply from my mom. It made me feel a bit better about the situation, knowing they were still there for me, even if from a distance. I also sent James a text since he is my legal guardian for the time being it's easier if anything happens to me. He as my alpha takes priority on what to do with me.