It’s Getting Crowded


After closing the door behind Scott and Stiles, I decide it's time to get some real help. I grab my phone and dial James's number, hoping he's awake. It rings a few times before he answers.

"Mark? What's going on?" James answers in a sleepy voice.

"Hey, James. Sorry to bother you so early, but we've got a situation. Scott McCall, the kid I told you about, is definitely a werewolf now. I also lost control and kinda schooled him," I explain, pacing around my living room.

James sighs. "That's not good, but as long as no one got seriously hurt, it's just a tussle. Do you have any idea who Scott's Alpha might be?"

"No, not yet. But there's more. The Argents are here too. They might be a problem. Scott's struggling with his new abilities. I don't want him to get caught in the crossfire," I say, rubbing my temples.

"The Argents... That complicates things. Have they made any moves yet?" James asks, his tone serious.

"Not that I know of. But they're bound to find out about us sooner or later. We need a plan," I reply.

"Alright, first things first. You need to keep Scott under control. Teach him the basics, help him manage his anger, and keep him away from the Argents as much as possible. As for the rogue Alpha, we need more information. Try to find out who it is and what their goal might be," James advises.

"Got it. I'll do my best. But what about the Argents? If they find out about me or Scott, is it going to get ugly?" I say.

"I'll reach out to some contacts and see if we can get more intel on the Argents. It shouldn't, though; they have the code. In the meantime, stay low and keep an eye on Scott. We can't afford to make any mistakes," James says firmly.

"Thanks, James. I appreciate it. I'll keep you updated," I say, feeling a bit more at ease knowing James is on it.

"Stay safe, Mark," James replies before hanging up.

I put down my phone and take a deep breath. The Argents, a rogue Alpha, and a new werewolf to train—this is going to be a challenge. James believes I can handle this. I just hope Scott can hold it together.

I get my day started, and the only notable thing that happened today at school was Scott being cornered by Jackson, that dickhead, about taking steroids. He was about to slam Scott into the locker, but I stepped in, shoulder-checking Jackson and causing him to fall on the floor. I didn't bother to look at him and pushed Scott out of the locker room before he could lose his temper.

"You can't let things get to you easily," I said.

"Oh, and you don't?" Scott rebuked.

"I'm not perfect either, but at least I can keep it together until I'm in private. We'll go to the forest after school," I say.

"But I've got practice," he complains.

"It wasn't a request. You want my help, it'll be on my terms. This isn't my pack's problem. I'm helping you as a friend."

When school ends, I tell Scott and Stiles to get in my car.

"So… is the new brutish and gruff personality the new you?" Stiles asks.

"No. It's my not-trying-to-throttle-you personality."

"Oh… well, it's working."

"It's not you per se. My moving here was meant for me to stabilize myself. Now I'm an alpha-to-be, I've got a pup to train, and finally, Scott's flirting with a hunter, so sorry if I'm pissed."

"I'm not a dog," Scott butts in. "Wait, I'm what now?"

"Allison's family, the Argents, are hunters of the supernatural—aka you. They typically live by a code, but you dating one of them is a no-go. It's possible that she hasn't entered the family business, but she will," I bluntly say.

"Is that why you avoid her like the plague?"

"Yes, because I like my body parts intact. Anyway, that's up to you to deal with; I have my own problems." The rest of the drive is silent.

Once we reach the forest, I start stripping.

"Woah! Why are you getting naked?" Stiles rushes to say.

"Because I'm not walking all the way there, wasting time. Scott, shift. And Stiles, stay here. I'm not carrying you, and I doubt Scott would want to either."

"I, uh, don't know how to shift."

"Don't worry, it's pain-free." I lied; it fucking hurts. The pain can't be described, but it gets easier after the first shift.

"The easiest way is to let that anger you hold back flood you."

It takes him a couple of minutes before he starts screaming.

"I thought you said it was pain-free," Stiles says in an anxious voice.

"It's not, but he would psych himself out if he knew it would hurt like a bitch," I say with amusement.

"Anyway, he's about done."

"He looks so cool," Stiles reaches out to touch Scott, who now stands at 6'5", still a tiny bit shorter than me.

However, once Stiles makes contact with Scott's grey fur, Scott growls, causing Stiles to jump away. I know he has lost control when he's about to lunge at him. In a matter of seconds, I shift and tackle him to the ground. I have about a foot in height on him and weigh more than him.

I easily subdue him, and once he calms down, I let him go. I point Stiles to the truck, and he goes inside.

I lead Scott to the field, where I shift back, and so does Scott. He's about to shove me, but I hold my hand up, signaling him to stop.

"What are you doing on Hale territory?" I heard from behind us.

"I thought the Hales were gone," I answered.

"Well, we're not. What pack do you belong to?"

"The White Hill pack," I show him the pack's tattoo I have on my back.

"You're a bit far from home."

"Yeah, but I still don't know who you are. Mind enlightening me?"

"Derek Hale."

"You're not the Alpha, though. Mind telling me who is? This guy over here was bitten by one a few nights ago, and we're looking for them."

"That's what I'm trying to figure out," he says as he walks away, leaving with that statement. Ugh, this just gets better and better.

Scott goes to follow, but I stop him. "Let's head back. I'll call James and update him about the Hales being back in town."

I don't let him argue and shift before going back to the truck and changing into my clothes. Once Scott shifts back, he looks around, but all his clothes are torn. I give him my gym clothes, and he wears them. They're baggy on him.

"Why couldn't I wear my own gym clothes?"

"Because I don't want my truck smelling like you."

"I don't mean to butt in, but Scott almost killed me."

"You were fine. I was there," I dismiss him.

"What if you weren't?"

"Then that's on you to figure out. Besides, once he goes through his first full moon, he'll be more in control."

I drop Stiles by his car and drive Scott back home.

"So is the nude thing something I have to get used to?"

"Pretty much."

"How come you get nervous in the locker room? You're clearly packing—not that I was staring or anything, but my god."

"Thanks, but you're not my type," I joke with him. "But humans are different; they stare more than is acceptable for me."

"Anyway, we're here. Keep the clothes or don't. I don't want them back. If you wake me up early like today, you better be dying, got that?"

He nods his head. I finally have the energy to game with Noah, and I spend the next hour talking to him about the first few days of school before I sleep.