Dreams And Reality


The peaceful silence of my morning was shattered by a frantic knocking on my door. I groaned, pulling myself out of bed and throwing on a shirt. The knocking continued, louder and more urgent. From the sound alone, I knew it was Scott, and he sounded panicked.

I opened the door, and Scott pushed past me in a hurry. His hair was disheveled, and his eyes were wide with fear. He looked like a total mess.

"Well, good morning to you too, Scott," I said, trying to lighten the mood. "What's wrong?"

Scott paced back and forth in my living room, running his hands through his hair. "I had a dream," he said, his voice trembling. "I was with Allison, but it ended with me shifting and attacking her in a school bus."

"Scott, it was just a dream," I said, trying to calm him down. "Nothing happened."

"But it felt so real," Scott insisted, his voice rising in pitch. "I could feel the change, the loss of control. What if it means something?"

I placed a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to stop pacing and look at me. "Scott, dreams can be powerful, but they aren't always literal. It's your mind processing everything that's been happening. The stress, the fear of hurting someone you care about. It doesn't mean it's going to come true."

Scott took a deep breath, but I could see he was still on edge. I decided to call Chris Argent to put Scott's mind at ease. I dialed Chris's number and waited as it rang.

"Mark? Everything okay?" Chris answered, sounding sleepy.

"Hey, Chris. I wanted to check on Allison. I heard howling at night. Is she alright?" I asked, choosing my words carefully.

"Allison's fine, Mark. She's at home, safe. Thanks for checking," Chris replied.

"That's good to hear. Thanks, Chris," I said, relieved. "Take care."

"You too, Mark," Chris said before hanging up.

I turned to Scott, who was watching me anxiously. "Allison's fine, Scott. Chris just confirmed it. Your dream was just a dream."

Scott let out a sigh of relief, the tension slowly leaving his body. "Thanks, Mark. I just... I needed to hear that."

"No problem," I said, giving him a reassuring pat on the back. "Remember, you're not alone totally alone you have stiles. And me if you need training and information . You'll get through it."

Scott stayed for a bit longer, and we talked about other things to distract him from the nightmare. Eventually, he seemed more relaxed and decided to head home. I watched him leave, hoping that the reassurance would keep his fears at bay.

When I arrived at school, I noticed a commotion by the buses. My heart sank as I saw the police tape and the crowd of students gathered around. It looked like a crime scene.

I made my way through the crowd of curious students and found Scott and Stiles, both looking worried. Scott was visibly panicking, his earlier calm shattered.

"Scott, what's going on?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

Stiles answered for him. "Someone was attacked last night in a school bus. They survived, but the police are calling it an animal attack."

My mind raced. This couldn't be a coincidence. Scott's nightmare, the howling, and now this attack. It was too much to ignore. "You need to get to the bottom of this," I said.

"But Mark," Scott said, his voice desperate, "what if it was me? What if I did this in my sleep?"

I shook my head. "Scott, I can't get involved directly. If the Argents or hunters find me sniffing around, pun unintended , it'll look like I'm involved with the attacks and I'll burn a bridge that I can't afford to."

Scott looked like he was about to argue, but I held up a hand. "Listen, if you find out if it was the Alpha or you, come to me. It's likely the Alpha is trying to use this to trauma bond you to him. First kill as a pack or something insane like that."

Scott nodded, albeit reluctantly. "Alright. I'll keep my eyes and ears open."

I turned to Stiles. "Keep an eye on him, Stiles. If anything happens, let me know immediately."

Stiles nodded, his face serious. "Got it."

I took a deep breath and called Chris again. I had to inform him about the attack, but I also needed to make it clear that I was staying away from investigating it. I didn't want the hunters thinking I had something to do with it.

"Mark?" Chris answered, sounding curious this time.

"Chris, there's been another attack," I said, getting straight to the point. "I wanted to let you know, but I'm staying out of it. I don't want the other hunters in the area to think I'm involved in any way."

There was a brief pause before Chris spoke. "I understand, Mark. Thanks for letting me know. I'll handle it from here."

"Thanks, Chris," I said, feeling a mix of relief and worry. "Take care", although I didn't care for Chris as a friend he was more of a co-worker to me. He was a great connection to have in my books.

"You too, Mark," Chris replied before hanging up.

I put my phone away and turned back to Scott and Stiles. "Stay safe, both of you. We'll figure this out."

The rest of the school day passed in a blur. I was so distracted that I barely registered my classes. When the final bell rang, I felt a slight relief, thinking swim practice might help clear my mind.

But at the pool, my thoughts drifted back to the morning's events. I didn't even hear Coach Harris's call-out until he pulled me aside.

"Mark, you missed the start. What's wrong?" Coach Harris asked, concern in his voice.

"I've just got a lot on my plate right now, Coach," I replied. "I think I need to leave early today."

Coach Harris nodded. "Alright, Mark. Take the day off. Come back ready to focus."

"Thanks, Coach," I said, appreciating his understanding.

As I gathered my things, I noticed Michael watching me with concern. He looked like he wanted to ask if I was okay, but I shook my head and quickly left.

At home, I tossed and turned in bed, my mind racing. Eventually, exhaustion took over, and I fell into a restless sleep.

In my dreams, I was back in ancient times, walking through a bustling market in a mediator's robe. But then, the market emptied, and I was alone in a desolate wasteland. The isolation was overwhelming.

I woke with a start, my heart pounding. The dream had felt so real, like a message about my family's past and my place in the present.