First Swim Meet


My entire school day felt like it would take forever to end. I didn't even need to stay the entire day; the swim team was allowed to leave early since we had to travel to the other school. It was a long drive, and we needed to leave early to arrive on time.

When it was time to leave, I went to pick up Michael from his class. As I approached his classroom, I overheard some of his classmates picking on him for having no friends. These same guys had tried out for the lacrosse team when I saw Scott at his tryouts.

Turning the corner of the empty hallway, I said, "I think you're mistaken. Michael has friends." These guys were freshmen, still pretty short and skinny. I moved forward and continued, "Michael here is one of my only friends, so if you're making fun of someone for having few friends, why don't you make fun of me? Huh? Nothing to say? Great, move on with your day. Michael, we gotta head out to get to the meet on time. You know, since you're on the swim team full of the older years."

Michael went ahead of me. "Here, take my keys and get in the truck," I tossed him my keys and handed him my bag. Then I turned back to the group of pricks. "Listen carefully because I'm only gonna say this once. If I hear that you bothered Michael again, I'll make sure that you won't make it on the lacrosse team next year."

"How? You're on the swim team. Do you even have pull over the lacrosse team?" the guy who I assumed to be the ringleader said.

"One, I'm not just on the swim team; I'm the co-captain. Two, you know the up-and-coming star player Scott? Yeah, he's said to be making captain soon after Jackson's lackluster plays. Scott just so happens to be my neighbor, and we're fairly good friends. So I know the type of people he dislikes, and if you don't fix your shitty personality, you'll stand no chance of getting on the team. Three, I'm not above just beating the shit out of you right before tryouts next season so you'll miss it. Got it?"

The little shithead took a step back when I moved forward with my last statement. He nodded his head.

I stepped forward again and patted his head. "Great, now fuck off. You still have class." I pushed his head back.

When I reached my car, I saw Michael wiping his eyes and heard him sniff a bit. I entered the truck and waited a second before turning the car on and speaking.

"You know you could've told either Kadin or me that you were being messed with, right?"

"Yeah… But I didn't want you guys to think I was weak."

"We're a team. We have each other's backs. Hell, I thought I made that point clear when I handled Charlie. Personally, I hate bullies and assholes, but they're usually the same thing." I let a moment pass before continuing. "Look, next time someone bothers you again, you come to me and I'll handle it. Got it?"

He nodded.

"Say you understand, Michael."

"I understand, Mark."

"You can call me Mars, like Kadin does. We'll be on the same team for the next three years, might as well call me by my preferred nickname," I said.

"Alright, Mars," he replied with a small smile.

The rest of the drive was pleasant, and I let him put on music of his choice on the way to the opposing team's school.

When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw Kadin and the rest of the team huddled up.

"Hey, Kadin," I greeted him as I approached.

"Hey, Mars," Kadin replied. "So, here's the rundown for today. The swim meet will start with the individual medleys. Your heat will be the third event, the 200-meter butterfly. Just give it your best. We've got this."

I nodded, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. "Got it. Thanks, Kadin."

Getting changed in the locker room went normally. No one wanted to chat much; everyone was getting in the right headspace. Coach Harris gave a pep talk before we headed out.

"Alright, team," Coach Harris said, his voice firm and encouraging. "We've trained hard for this. Remember your techniques, stay focused, and most importantly, swim your best. Let's show them what we're made of!"

When we entered the pool room, I saw the opposing team. They had decent builds and seemed overconfident, talking about how this would be an easy win.

The first two events saw Kadin and Michael swimming. They got decent times, with Michael being slower, but it was expected since it was his first year and he was competing against seniors. He still made a respectable time.

When it was time for my event, the guy I was going up against started talking shit, just loud enough for me to hear. If I were a normal person, it might have bothered me, but with my enhanced hearing, it was easy to block him out. I focused solely on beating him, just enough to make it look reasonable.

When I heard the buzzer, I took off and started my 200 fly at a great pace. I could feel the water rushing past me as I propelled myself forward, my arms slicing through the water with precision. I held back a little, not wanting to make it too obvious that I was faster than everyone else. The cheers from the crowd faded into the background as I focused on each stroke, each breath.

At the turn, I pushed off the wall with all my strength, using the momentum to surge ahead. My competitor was close, but I kept my rhythm steady. As I approached the final stretch, I gave it everything I had, pushing past the fatigue and the doubts.

I touched the wall. I looked up at the scoreboard and saw my time. I had won, but it was a close race like I wanted it. The satisfaction of victory washed over me, along with the sense of normality I craved.

Back in the locker room, the team congratulated me.

On the ride home, Michael and I talked about the meet, and I could see the pride in his eyes. We had each other's backs.

As we drove in comfortable silence, Michael finally spoke up. "Thanks, Mark. I mean, Mars. Thanks for being my friend."

I glanced over at him and smiled. "You don't need to thank me for that, Michael. Friends don't need to be thanked for being friends. We just are."

Michael nodded, a small smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Hey, since the party at my house will probably last until the late afternoon, you could ask your parents if you can stay the night. If you want to. I have a pullout couch bed thingy that you could sleep on."

"I'll ask my parents, so I'll tell you tomorrow."

I didn't know if Michael's parents would go for it, but I think that they would be happy that Michael is making friends. Besides, this wasn't some huge party like Lydia's that would have alcohol.

I dropped off Michael at his home and continued home.