Just another day


It's an early start to my morning, and I wake up Michael so that he can eat breakfast before we head to school. He looks a bit groggy but manages to make his way to the kitchen.

We don't talk much during the drive, but I can sense that he is nervous about being outed at school. His hands fidget with the hem of his shirt, and he keeps glancing out the window, lost in thought.

"Michael," I say, breaking the silence, "you should just live your life and not let other people bother you because of who you love or don't. It shouldn't matter."

He doesn't respond, but shakily nods, a slight look of relief washing over his face.

I pull into the parking lot and walk him to his first class, making it pretty clear to anyone watching that we're friends. I stop just outside the door and look him in the eyes. "If anything happens, call me," I tell him firmly.

"Thanks, Mars," he says quietly before heading inside.

My first class of the day has Allison looking into her family history by researching La Bête du Gévaudan. She's hunched over her laptop, her fingers flying over the keys as she reads through various articles and documents. She doesn't notice me at first, so engrossed in her work.

Later, I see Jackson sitting next to Allison, looking for information on what's going on with Scott. The moment I walk past them, I'm overwhelmed with the scent of death and decay near Jackson. It's strong and unsettling, making my stomach churn and my instincts scream to get away.

I quickly leave, needing to distance myself from the smell and the questions it raises. What could it mean? And why is Jackson involved?

The rest of the day goes by in a blur. My mind keeps drifting back to the smell and what it could signify. Is it something supernatural? Another werewolf? Or something worse?

By the end of the day, I decide to ask Chris if he's starting to introduce Allison into the family business already. I find him just as he's leaving the school grounds.

"Hey, Chris," I call out, catching his attention. "I just wanted to get a heads-up if you're inducting Allison already. I've seen her researching werewolves and the start of the Argents."

Chris looks genuinely surprised. "Uh, no, I haven't, and I don't plan to anytime soon," he replies, a slight frown forming. "I'll have to get back to you on it."

"Alright, just let me know," I say. "I don't want to interfere with your plans."

"Yeah, no, you're fine… look, I gotta go. I'll let you know later," he says, clearly preoccupied with something else.

After school, I head to the pool club to clear my mind. The familiar routine helps me unwind, and the water provides a sense of peace that I desperately need. The rhythmic strokes and the cool water help me focus and let go of the day's worries.

As I finish my laps and get out of the pool, I see a missed call from Scott. I consider calling him back.

Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow. I dry off, head home, and fall into bed, my body aching pleasantly from the swim.

Sleep comes quickly, but my mind is still racing with thoughts about Allison, Jackson, and the strange scent of death.

There are so many questions that need answers, and I know that tomorrow will bring new challenges. For now, though, I let myself drift off, hoping that some rest will bring clarity.