The Reckoning

[A/N I think I should just point out Incase anyone's miss reading the Synopsis that my OC is BI and there will be romantic scene with both Male and Female characters. If that's not something your into you should probably quit while your ahead.

And before you say it's wasn't in tags? It clearly stated in the sysnopsis. This is the only time I'll be bringing this up again.]


Morning arrives too soon. The sunlight streaming through my blinds feels like a personal affront after the chaos of the previous night. I groan, dragging myself out of bed. There's no time to waste; I need to confront Scott about his reckless actions.

After a quick shower and breakfast, I head over to Scott's house. The memories of last night's events play on a loop in my mind, amplifying my frustration. I knock on his door, and a moment later, Scott answers, looking tired and a bit guilty.

"Hey, Mark," he says, trying to muster a smile.

"We need to talk," I say, my tone leaving no room for argument.

He nods, stepping aside to let me in. We head to his room and sit down. For a moment, we just stare at each other.

"Scott, what the hell were you thinking?" I finally say, unable to contain my anger. "Going after the rogue alpha alone? Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?"

Scott looks down, avoiding my gaze. "I thought I could handle it. I didn't want anyone else to get hurt because of me."

"Handle it? Scott, you nearly got yourself killed! And you put everyone else in danger too. Stiles, Lydia, Jackson, Allison—they were all at the school last night because of you. Hell Derek was half dead when I found him on the ground bleeding"

"I know," he says quietly. "But I couldn't just do nothing. This alpha is after me. It's my responsibility."

"No, Scott. It's our responsibility to deal with it together. I know I can't get overly involved but that doesn't mean you have to do this alone."

He looks up at me, his eyes filled with guilt and fear. "I just didn't want to drag you all into my mess."

"You didn't drag us into it, Scott. You didn't have a chose when you got turned most of us don't have one. We're already involved. You need to trust us. Trust me. We can handle this if we work together."

Scott nods, his shoulders sagging with the weight of the conversation. "I'm sorry, Mark. I really am. I just—everything's so overwhelming."

"I get it," I say, placing a hand on his shoulder. "But you can't shut us out. We're stronger together. Next time, you come to me first, okay?"

"Okay," he agrees. "Thanks, Mark."

"We'll figure this out," I assure him. "Now, let's get to school. We need to keep an eye on things, make sure the alpha doesn't try anything else."

The day at school is tense. Every hallway, every corner must've felt like a potential threat to them. I keep close to Scott and Stiles since they were on edge.

They met up with Lydia and Jackson, Scott making sure they're okay too. Allison joins them, her eyes scanning the hallways nervously. I kept my distance because I wasn't close enough with them to casual check up on them.

Before long, I see a small crowd near Michael's locker, whispers and pointed fingers indicating something's up. My heart sinks as I push through the students and find Michael, looking pale and shaken.

"Michael, what happened?" I ask, I keep my voice steady but I already have an idea of what has happened.

He looks up at me, his eyes filled with tears. "Someone outed me, Mark. Everyone knows now."

I glance around, noticing the stares and murmurs of our classmates. "Listen, Michael," I say firmly, "who you are is nothing to be ashamed of. And anyone who makes you feel that way is the one with the problem, not you."

Michael nods, though he still looks terrified. "What am I going to do?"

"We're going to get through this together," I say. "We'll find out who did this, Look if you want I'll handle it."

I glance around at the faces staring at us, a mixture of curiosity, judgment, and disgust.

The anger inside me boils over. "Do you have an idea of who did this?"

"I don't know," Michael replies, his voice breaking. "They put notes in my locker and spread it around on social media."

I take a deep breath and turn to face the crowd. "Listen up, everyone!", my voice cutting through the murmur of the students. "If you have something to say about Michael, you can say it to my face." By now most of the student body know that I don't take shit from anyone. Most of them have seen me stop any type of bullying when I see it.

The crowd falls silent, eyes wide as they turn their attention fully to me. "And just so you all know, I'm Bi, If anyone has a problem with that too, you can come and tell me right now."

There's a moment of stunned silence. No one steps forward. No one says a word. The courage it took to out myself in front of the entire school is a gamble, but it's worth it to show Michael—and everyone else—that You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are.

"You see," I continue, "who we love doesn't define our worth. What matters is how we treat each other. So, if you think you can bully Michael or anyone else because of who they are and who they love, think again. I'll gladly get suspended to show you why that's a bad idea."

The crowd begins to disperse, some looking ashamed, others just curious. I turn back to Michael, who's watching me.

"Thanks, Mark," he says quietly, a small smile forming on his lips.

"We're in this together," I tell him, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

I turn to Scott and Stiles, who have been watching from a distance. "Guys, I need to figure out who did this to Michael."

Scott nods.

I put a hand on Michael's shoulder. "You're not alone in this. The swim team has got your back. I'll let Kadin know about the situation but if some starts to harass you don't be afraid to reach out to one of the guys from the team. Except Charlie he's an ass and we both know it"

The rest of the day is a blur of classes and hushed conversations about Michael's outing and the mess that the school is from last night.

I've also been called to the counselor office the next day.

By the end of the day, I haven't found any solid leads on who outed Michael, but the team had made it clear to everyone that he's not facing this alone.

I made sure to drop off Michael to his home after school. I didn't want him to be walk by himself. His parents had already guess that Michael wasn't straight so it wasn't a surprise. They were mad that he'd been outed instead of him coming out on his own.

Charlie hasn't said anything about the situation and it was the best we could've hoped for.