If you're wondering why my last journal entry so all over the place it's because of the lack of blood in my body to give a fucking shit about the paceing of it and I'm in a hurry to tell you everything you need to know with my poor as fuck writing ability.
You don't even want to know how much pain I'm in.
Other than the bear chimaera I fight off hornets, chimaera anteaters and chimaera cockroaches pretty regularly about once a week each.
The chimaera bear was one of the bigger turf claimers that came from the 'magical dream realm' attacks that happen in the name of the pact.
That one was on the 'magical dream realm' traitor list, which the tech consultant who will work on setting up the equipment needed to connect to the 'radio wave' and 'magical realms'.
I'm just going to say it right now that I'm quite far from the closest city with at least 100 miles of rugged terrain that makes you have to walk a very long path if you value your life.
Now if you're going to say 'If you value your life then why are you so far away from the city?!' my answer would be my own personal security, safety, and privacy.
The city could be called a super macro city that has over 20,000,000,000,000,000 people in it and the laws are so strict that it could be worse than warhammer 40,000 Terra!
I like my chances of coexistence with nature than the super macro city.
Game concept #1
A parasite group with a hive mind (environment) have captured the attention of the local lords around the mountain range (blocks passage for a few months to the inside of the mountain range) and they drafted their peasants (players) to across the mountain range to protect and push the parasites back into the hole they came from that's on top of the mountain in the middle of map.
That's the bare bones of the concept for now.
The parasites will be gaining tactics, creativity, knowledge and experience throughout the entire game but can lose it by the ones that hold the information being killed or starved to death.
The parasites will need resources to survive and continue their war campaign.
They begin with swarm tactics, few different units, and are on the move to leave the mountain range before the next winter so they can improve their way of life to continue their war campaign.
The parasites won't have a 'standered' unit because they're new and are testing what works and what doesn't.
(Players) will need tools to dig and parasites will need to have some units specifically designed to dig to make underground structures and tunnels.
The parasites can learn new tactics, techniques and tricks naturally or from the (players) in combat.
The (players) will be shown how to use 'magic' thur some NPC's that only know the basics of controlling their 'magic' but anything else will have to be self taught or learned from another (player) because their lords don't want them too many peasants surviving and getting stronger than their knights.
-[In the super macro city no one is allowed to make any 'magical guides' but you are allowed to play them.]-
The parasites won't be the only ones who the peasants (players) will be fighting as bandits (environment) will be another threat that will cause a lot of damage, problems and unnecessary suffering making the game a E v P v E game that will ramp up the longer it goes on and the more diverse tactics that are used could become more devastating to the (players) after the parasites pick the tactic up for themselves.
I also forgot about the animals (environment) with the parasites!
If the (players) work to fast then they will be feeling the pain of having to fight the parasites, bandits and the natural animals that are there making the game a P v E v E v E which each faction has a limited amount of resources to fight against their opponents with lost of resources or places of strategic importance being a very hard loss of any side except for the animals because they don't fight with strategy but for their survival.
I'm going to stop here for the night and get some shut eye.