Journal entry #3

The tech consultant guy got here today at about noon and the guy's name is Bobby Tomato Tornado the Fourth Hundred Ninety Three yap yap yap.

All this guy do is yap about every single little useless detail and thing that is under the never setting spring midday sun that you could think of and more.

I told him where to put the equipment and he bitch and moan about having to do any of the work he's supposed to do and I have to make sure he doesn't half ass his job or he will make it unusable.

This guy isn't a professional either with how reckless he's tossing the equipment and tools.

By the time he got it set up it's already time to sleep and he tried to leave without checking if it worked properly until I stopped him and told him he's sleeping here and he will check on the equipment to make sure everything is working properly.

He talked so much about the super macro city being 'better' than the forest behind that it's protects and said I smell like shit.

I told him that the smell is from the ants that tending to the crops with their own shit which helps the crops grow.

I don't like city folk because of how they scream at the top of their lungs at country folk for the most minimal of reasons like growing food to sell to them.

I have been in a revolution before my rebirth.

The U.S.A. revolution of 2020 that had introduced the world's first mega tank that was designed and constructed by me from scrap metal.

The mega tank was 3 stories tall, about 200 feet long and 160 feet wide.

At each of the four corners there was a 130 rifled barrel with a line that shoots out a chemical reactive similar to a corrosive acid that could catch aflame if it was meant with sparks to block enemy advancements and to punish enemies entrenched because it can last at least for 30 days to a year.

On both sides of the 130 mm barrel is a auto cannon with the turrets being able to turn up and down from a 90 degree angle of 120 degrees and have horizontal movement of 170-180 degrees.

The top of the tank has four auto cannons on it that can turn left and right 180 degrees with a up and down turn of 50 degrees each because it's literally right on top.

I designed it to my specifications so I could drive and use it to hold the line and push forward.

Their was a number of reasons why we rebelled against the government but the main reason was because the government tried to take away our right to fight a dictatorship (our own government if it becomes corrupt.).

I also made a AI that could learn to help me fight and drive itself if I was ever unconscious.

The government used every tool available to them.

Such as corpseborgs that acted like zombies, biological warfare, chemical warfare- they even tried to use nuclear armaments!

But the key word is tried as we took all the bases that had nuclear weapons first to keep the MDP up and we took out as many enemies to the U.S. that betrayed us.

We also kill any illegal border crossers because we are tired of all the immigrants killing, rapeing, stealing, destroying and smuggling they are doing.

We made the U.S. for the citizens again.

Before my rebirth I died in battle against the government's last ditch effort to save themselves with was a super soldier zombie cyborg hybrid that was supposed to destroy the entire revolution force but I stand in the way of it had any kills it would have and it died at my hands with the last of the corpseborgs with my own death.

The corpseborgs are super zombies on steroids in terms of strength but their speed is like 5 mph on a good day and slower than a bed ridden hospital patient on a bad day.

They have enough strength to pick up m1 abrams with little issue and toss them like they're fucking frisbees.

The reason why I said they're like zombies is because they don't respond to pain stimulua

Or care about losing body parts but if cut their head off or destroy the chip controlling them then they're just like any other corpse unresponsive.

After the first few batches they started putting infections in the corpseborgs bodys to infect and kill resistant troops.

They transferred the corpseborgs by plane and airdropped them but we always shot the plane down with the AA turrets we have and our troops already were wearing gas masks and suits to protect themselves from the infection the corpseborgs rotting corpses already had so they only wasted time, effort and resources on them.

I'm going to go get some sleep.


I made sure the guy was checking on the equipment and he was bitching the entire time and when he was done I told him he could go and I drop kick him out of my property saving him a week journey going back.

We were also attacked by the wasps again and this time they brought 8 instead of the usual 3-5 they bring.

The wasps were very easy to kill for me because they're the size of a large dog but not as smart as a dog.

I let the workers take the wasp corpses because their colony needs food to expand and the crops we have right now can only feed them so much before they need to add something to their diet so they could expand further.

We don't have any crops that give us plenty of protein which is a problem.

The tech consultant 'left' me a manual on how to use, repair and install a 'magical and radio wave realm connecter.

I'm going to study the manual so I may know if the tech consultant didn't just set it up to blow the fuck up when I go to use it.