Table of contents; page 1 - 10
Chapter 1: Understanding of macro management of infrared radiation systems, sources, processes, potential applications, and applications; page 11 - 100
Chapter 2: Overview of micro management of near-infrared and microwaves radiation systems involving machinery equipment, components, materials, and living organisms; page 101 - 158
Chapter 3: Review of the how to use and make a book, journal, or notebook infused with 'magic', radio waves, 'dreams', and thoughts; page 159 - 292
Chapter 4: Inner workings and blueprints of standard 'magical realm' and radio wave realm connection machines; page 293 - 313
Chapter 5: Modules, tested and completed connection machine concepts, and analysis of the data that the system software provides; page 314 - 458
Chapter 6: Components, containers, packages, records, files, data, code, and documents that's macroscopic and how to hide them; page 459 - 479
Chapter 7: Notes of official documentation for outposts; page 480 - 500
Chapter 8: Beginnings of how Macro Metro of Technologies of the Walled city of the Future came to be; page 501 - 1243
Chapter 9: The Cultures and religions that exist and existed in Macro Metro of Techologies of the Walled city of the Future; page 1244 - 2489
Chapter 10: Railways, roads, bridges, trails, crossings, paths, tunnels, airports, airfields, and motorways macro, micro, residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and resource management, services, transportation, systems, and agriculture; page 2490 - 3183
Chapter 11: Classification of flora and fauna work which includes all known species; 3184 - 915,572,268,904,156,742,135,864