It took me about 8 months to get the current model working for the game I have invision.
The first thing I had to do was relearn the math that was involved in coding and change a lot of variables just to make everything a visual glitchy mess.
Then I started working on a terrain test model.
That was a ass because It was literally just letting anything clipped through it!
After that I then started making the 'basic' parasites.
The first basic parasite I wanted to create was going to be in the role of a thinker in that it uses the hive mind to influence the parasites it has control over to do something It's design; has no eyes, has a ant jaw that makes it require to be fed by a caretaker, thousands of tiny nibs you could call legs on the bottom, is shaped like a ball in have that is glowing purple with brainwave pluses and a digestive system.
The second basic parasite I created was in the role of an egg layer so they could produce parasites it's design; has no eyes, has a ant jaw that requires to be fed by a caretaker, has 4 spider like legs that have three claws on each to help with gripping the ground, a termite queen's abdomen to lay thousands of eggs a day and a digestive system.
The third one was the caretaker it's design; has 2 compound eyes and three ocelli eyes, 6 ant legs, a honeypot ant's gaster, 2 antennae-like lips that have pinchers at the end on the caretaker's head and jaw that allows for feeding others.
The fourth one was the basic soldier it's design; driver ant major soldier jaw, 4 crab legs, 2 mantis shrimp arms on the bottom of the head, has a snail shell that grows with it and dies without, the arms, legs and head have a thicker skin than the rest of the body and has 8 spider eyes that give it a 360 view of their surroundings while not fully in their shell.
I made the thinker 3 feet tall, 3 feet long and 3 feet wide.
I made the egg layer 3 feet and 5 inches tall, 7 feet and 9 inches long, and 3 feet and 7 inches wide.
The caretaker is 2 feet and 6 inches tall, 2 feet and 6 inches long, and a foot and 6 inches wide.
The soldier is 4 feet tall, 5 feet and 11 inches long, and 4 feet wide.
I did a few tests with how the parasites evolution system worked and the first test where just the parasites not changing a damn thing which was a problem.
They only did swarm tatics in the first test from what I could understand because their egg layers produced too many eggs for little to nothing which was a glitch from the nutrition system.
I turned up the nutrition needed for the soldiers a bit and then weakened the soldiers a bit so they could be less effective in combat against most close range troops, made egg layers have a two tier hierarchy with the first egg layer being the only one able to lay eggs that become new egg layers and the rest of the egg layers are only able to lay eggs that hatch to a specific unit each.
The second test was better than the first test but there are problems with it still like not realizing when something has taken damage or just falling through the ground.
The parasites change their tactics when they aren't winning in an area where they're trying to take or defend.
They didn't try to make any nest defenders to guard their nests.
I think the problem came from the fact the hierarchy need a middle layer to it to keep them from not progressing themselves.
First egg layer is at the top, she is able to lay eggs of every type of basic unit but is unable to lay eggs for any other unit and isn't the most efficient at making any units for the unit's efficiency/nutrition cost ratio.
The egg layers in the middle can produce egg layers as well with more complexity but at a higher nutrition cost.
The egg layers at the bottom can only produce a specific type of unit because they were made to produce that unit as efficiently as possible.
The third test was much better than the first 2 tests with the parasites making use of anything and everything that they could get.
They also didn't evolve to fast but they did learn from the battles, mistakes and failures to improve their selves.
They even did try to make some larger units but they were running out of resources by then.
I did saw that some of the parasites were made from the evolution system are more for a culture they developed than an actual war zone is a good thing in my book because they needed a culture but the culture must not be in the way of their survival.
The culture can be developed more in the mid and late stages of the game's campaign.
The game will only be available to human players and I think of calling the game "Parasitic Conquest".
I'm going to have a close alpha for the game soon so I can see what needs fine tuning and what I need fixing.
I'm going to go continue working.