Part 7 -- Finale

Hannah jolted awake, lying flat on her stomach, curled up in a sleeping position. When had she fallen asleep? Thinking back, she remembered that after taking just one bite of raw meat, she'd gone into a sort of frenzy, consumed entirely by the need for and delights of food. It hadn't been like that before… had it?

… It had, she realized with a sinking feeling. In fact, it had been worse. She could remember it all pretty clearly now, looking back, and in doing so she realized just how extreme the changes to her must have been. For the first several days, she had been utterly engrossed in the acts of eating and sleeping. She had had absolutely no semblance of rational thought during that time. That effect had lessened somewhat as time progressed, and, she realized with surprise, it was only the "day" before that she had finally regained full rationality.

This made Hannah feel both better and worse. On the one hand, the bouts of near-mindless voracity were decreasing in length. On the other, not only had they happened in the first place, but they were continuing to happen. And it had been only one bite that triggered the last one.

Deeply troubled, Hannah mulled on that for a while before deciding to use the time before her next feeding to do something important that she hadn't done yet: look outside. Hopefully, she'd be able to get a clue as to where she was, what kind of creature she'd been eating, and perhaps even how she'd ended up this way. Maybe that was too optimistic, but she didn't care. Her worries were going to drive her crazy if she didn't try.

Climbing up the wall and out of the hole in the "ceiling" that had actually turned out to be the skin of something, Hannah took her first look around. What she saw surprised her. She was standing on a partially clothed something with fading grayish skin. This made her feel curious and somewhat disturbed, for the thing she had been eating was clearly humanoid--probably a kind of alien giant, she mused. Would it have four arms and reptilian eyes? Horns jutting from the temple? Teeth as sharp as razors, maybe digitigrade legs? She couldn't see from here, as the creature was too big. Also, it was clearly female, and she had emerged from just below the creature's left collarbone. The bosom wasn't especially large, but it was large enough to block the viewing capabilities of Hannah's newly reptilian self.

Hannah opted to climb across the creature's skin towards the head. She guessed the head would have more identifiable features, perhaps provide some insight into what was going on. That wasn't likely but one could hope.

Reaching the chin and easily clambering up it, Hannah found herself looking at a pretty average-looking face, though it was admittedly harder to tell from this close uo. It was actually almost pretty. The lips, though blue, had clearly been well taken care of, the skin was scarred but the scars somehow had a charm of their own, and the closed eyes had average enough eyelashes. This close, the eyelashes looked more comely than expected. Who'd have thought that she'd ever find an alien race to be beautiful?

She froze in the middle of shaking her head in amusement. What was that? Clambering quickly down the left side of the face, skidding a little in her haste, Hannah came to rest on top of a lock of jet-black hair, which in turn rested on an eerily human ear. In the earlobe was a probably-too-large circular steel stud earring. Impossibly fine details (to such a giant, at least) depicted a left-facing strutting peacock, each plumage feather a delicate gemstone, and a cursive letter H rested in the upper right quarter.

It couldn't be.

No, no, that was impossible! How did this alien giant have such an earring!? Did they copy the design because they liked it, then die? But the timelines didn't match up. They couldn't have known the design of her custom-made earring until they kidnapped her. And how would the alien giant have had enough time to copy the design, then go and die? Just how long had she been kept unconscious before waking up inside this thing?

Hannah's heart was beating faster than ever, her breaths coming shallower. How on Earth? How --?

Scrambling up the face again, taking note of a particular scar going through the near eyebrow, a feeling of dread rising inside her, Hannah reached the eye, trembling. Tentatively, she used her claws to gently peel open the eyelid for a look. The eye was a deep brown color with streaks of blue, gold and green.

Just like her own had been.