Monday came along and I woke up to a new feeling. A feeling of pure bliss like the body I was in wasn't mine, like it was a new acquired body but as I stood in front of my mirror to get ready the out line of my ribs and my skin clingy tightly to my bones brought back the feel and acknowledgement of my actual body but the realization didn't leave me with the felling of disgust and self loth like usual it only increase my determination.

It was decided who's taking charge for the time being when my hands reached for the car keys inside my brother jacket, then dashed out of the house into the parked Mazda CX-5. Thanos. He, nodded his head in approval as he ignited the ignition and the beauty purred to life.

Max came running towards the drive way just in time to see Thanos pulling out. If the look on his face did not scream bloody murder at that time then it did when Thanos stuck out his hand through his window and flipped him off. We knew hell would be awaiting us when we got home but funnily enough we couldn't wait.

They say revenge is a dish best server cold and Thanos couldn't agree more with that. He was ready to give anything at that moment to rip apart everybody that looked at us with an acknowledging view of the new us, the same people who treated us like worthless piece of shit. He wanted to make them scream beg for Mercy or even death just to stop the never ending pain inflicted to them by his own hands

The trail of Thanos' thoughts seemed to exit Dragoshi a lot and I would be a lair if I said it didn't set off a spark of excitement in me.

The desire grew as Derick and his brainless whore ooh sorry I meant girlfriend hanging off him followed by their idiotic circle of friends approach us "Cool ride" Derick implied " yeah cool ride" his dumb girlfriend seconded him no surprise there the lady couldn't think on her own to save her life.

It took all of our will power for Thanos to smile, well more like try to and say thank you. How he so whished he could run them over and over and over again but that would wait another day coz what makes hunting great it's the thrill the hunter gets when they stalk their unknowing prey watching their every moves before they pounce on them.

And our preys seemed to be falling at our feet on their own will.This is going to be easy we thought as Thanos led us to follow our soon to be "best of friends" "we are gonna make our memories shared together worth while no doubt" Dragoshi stated in a deep low malicious voice which made Thanos' lips twitch with a sweet but devilish smile. I knew they were trouble and I liked it.

Long story short the hunt had already begun and as expected we did receive a hell of a beating from my brother with Thanos and Dragoshi taking some of the pain it wasn't that bad I kinda enjoyed some of it even though I ended up passing out on the Cold kitchen. So that's why the following day I personally took the car again and this time I flipped him off not my demon twins and it felt damn good.

It wasn't a surprise that I was always broke since my dearest loving order brother 'never' unintentionally forgot to give me my monthly allowance that our parents surprisingly remembered to leave us.

If you're wondering didn't I ever try to ask nicely of my share well you bet I did but the swollen, bloody, broken nose I had to nurse for a couple of weeks taught me to keep my pretty mouth shut. And that's why Dragoshi thought it was a good time for pay back.

And apparently the plan would involve us spending most of our evening in dark alleys, shitty neighborhoods or crappy abandoned building doing the only thing I knew how to do since I grew up watching it being done. I bet you can already guess what it was.

No! I was not whoring myself to random strangers like my sister. I was too young and did not want to suffer or die from a mysterious sexual infection that the medical field had never heard of or was not prepared for. Sometimes I wonder how my sister was still alive.

So it had to be the next quick money making idea. Drug dealing. Was I working with my brother or for my brother? well none of the above. William or Willy and if you buy drugs from him that was Pablo to you how ironic isn't.

William being the stingy piece of shit he was there was no way he would let me profit from his business so that's why Dragoshi took it upon himself to be 'borrowing' some of the 'merchandise' when Willy was pissed drunk of his ass. He was the brains of the group.

Dragoshi was positively sure that willy wouldn't notice if a bit of his so not noticeable or important drugs went missing let's say, some ester c , marijuana and a few medical subscription that he got from faking a few mental illness such as ADHD, Depression and DID Just to mention a few, or which he bought from kids with the actual mental illness who were very desperate to make quick bucks. Coz anyone willing to work with my brother must be really desperate or have a death wish.

And when Dragoshi was feeling very courageous , well more like suicidal if you asked me , with a bit of push from Thanos he would often manage to unnoticeably steal a bit of cocaine and heroin on a good day.

With my brother selling his drugs at a high cost, we took it to our advantage since his own people were willing to buy drugs from us at a lower reasonable price in exchange of their silence. So I guess after all I had one thing to sincerely thank my brother for.

Thanos having a more edgy personality among the three of us he used to take charge of the exchange and Dragoshi would take over from time to time but I always stuck to the back.

Don't judge me I was still learning and i indeed learned very well.