His facial expression changed so fast from playful to angry. I suddenly felt a tight grip on both my shoulder them my back roughly making contact with the lockers. The asshole just fucking shoved me which brought back my headache back and this time it was too intense.

I was about to try and push him off me again but he held both my hands above my head while crushing his body against mine. He was heavy and that made it hard for me to breathe. I needed to try and get off me before my air supply is completely cut off and I pass out. I couldn't let myself look that weak and helpless in front of this guy.

"Let go of or else am gonna....go..nna..." before I could finish my threat I felt my bony system shut down and my body going limp as it fell to the floor. I tried to scream at myself not to let the darkness consume me but I had no control over what was happening, the last thing I felt was tight arms rapping around my body so as to prevent me from hitting the floor. We knew this time we were really fucked.







"Why are you not waking up? are you trying to course me unneeded trouble" I asked the now unconscious boy in my arms. I had tried to shake him a couple of times to get him to wake up but nothing the boy didn't flinch even a little. I held my hand to his face to try waking him up by tapping his cheeks but the moment my hand was on him I retracted it.

The boy was burning up, this was not a slight fever it was intense which would need agent medical care or I was afraid he would melt in my arms right before my eyes. I reached into my back pocket and quickly took out my phone to call for help but as I looked down at the boy I remembered the exact situation that got us here.

I didn't know what it was about the boy but I just knew I couldn't let him get in trouble nor could I let him die hence I needed to do something fast or I would have to explain to my uncle how I ended up in a room with two dead bodies when I ask him for help in moving the bodies.

I remembered walking past a room that said nurses office so if I could get him there fast I might find something to help him even if it would only reduce his fever to a degree that was less life threatening. I carefully picked him up in my arms I couldn't afford to be rough with him again and headed towards the nurses office.

I managed to get the door open with him in my arms I was too worried to even put him down for a second unless it was in the nurses office. I was only three steps away from the door to the nurses office when I was stopped in my trucks.

"Christopher what the hell is going on? and who is that boy your carrying? "my uncle never uses my first name especially not my full name. This meant he wanted an explanation on the situation and nothing less.

"I can't talk now uncle but I promise to explain it all later okay?"

"Fine but please tell me that he is not dead and you are not in trouble"

"His not but he will be if you continue keeping me here. Why don't you help me with the door first its locked but I have a lock pick in my pocket that will get the job done.

" if it is that serious why don't you call for an ambulance " even with him questioning me he had already grabbed the lock pick and was working on the door and within seconds the door was opened. I dashed in quickly and placed the boy on the bed after making sure he was comfortable I started going through the medicine cabinet looking for anything that could help.

" Do you even know what you are looking for Boy?"

"Yes uncle Chris I know what am looking for and its something to reduce his fever!" I snapped at him even though I didn't mean it but I was on edge at time was running out

"And that would be?"


"Am asking what is the thing that would reduce his fever?" I stopped looking though the medicine cabinet and stood up to face him.

"I don't know what it is uncle Chris okay! but I have to try I can't let him die!"

He looked at me like I had lost my mind but his gaze softened after seeing my determination. He moved towards the boy on the bed and examined him carefully then placed his had on the boy's forehead.

"SHIT! Christopher why didn't you tell me the boy was burning up?" He said as moved he moved towards me and pushed me to the side and took my previous position looking through the medicine cabinet.

"I did tell you he was having a fever."

"But you didn't tell me it was that intense! you know what forget it why don't you get me some ice pack first there should be plenty in here." I did as I was told and got him several ice packs he directed me on how to place them in different points on his bodies.

I was more at ease with uncle Chris taking over, coz the guy did seem to know what he was doing. It was not a surprise since he always took care of me every time I was under the weather when I was small even at this age he still nurses me back to health when am too sick luckily it was not too often.

"now are you gonna tell me what is really going on?" Uncle Chris brought a few tablets and liquid medicine and placed them on the table beside the bed the boy was on. I had to come up with a good lie or else he would never get off my case. My uncle was a persistent person and I knew that too well from past experience.

"Let him get a bit better then I will tell you all you need to know" This was a way of me buying myself extra time to come up with a believable story that would be nowhere near the truth

"Fine but don't you dare try to get smart with me boy" This man knows me well but apparently not well enough to see through what I had in store for him.