
Not long after the drive, we reached Kenneth's house. It's just that typical middle class house. Both I and Gabrielle came down from the car, I told Jake to stay behind. I looked at Gabrielle and he understood why I looked at him, which he should thank his lucky stars for. We both entered Kenneth's house, and saw him eating his meal.

"Well, well, well Kenneth won't you invite me to come eat with you, huh?" I said with a cold yet murderous voice which I could see how my tone got him on the edge.

"Boss Erald." He said shaking, that his glass cup which he held at his hands fell to the floor and broke.

"Yes Gabrielle, I have come to take you for some awesome shopping spree, which you would get to choose the clothes you would love to wear but I would choose the shopping mall we would go to. Agreed? Yes agreed. Now c'mon let's get going." I said with a cruel tone yet my voice sounded so calm.

"No boss Erald, I don't want to go to any shopping spree, I have enough clothes already." He said bumbling.

"No Kenneth, you don't get to choose that. Would you like to move on you own or I should make Gabrielle drag you out of here? And then your neighbors would see how you are being dragged out." I asked him frigidly.

"I- I w- would mo- move on my own, boss Erald." He said stuttering.

"Okay, good boy." I said smirking devilishly.

We all went out and I sat at the front seat together with Jake and he gave me his infamous look saying 'what the heck is going on?'

"Right now, you need to take us to the Mafia empire, I got something that I need to offer to Kenneth right there, so let's go." I said to Jake, without answering his unasked question, whilst as I spoke my eyes were on Kenneth through the rear mirror. And I could see that he is trembling so bad.


After an hour drive, we finally reached the Mafia empire's building. It's not just a building, it's an underground building which no one could get in without either I or dad's palm prints, retinal scanning and in some places where important drugs, weapons, or any other important stuffs are kept, needed I or dad's voice to function.

We have extremely tight security right here that no one could break in. We got down from the car and I saw the first guard outside. I went close to the first gate and I inserted my palm prints, the first door opened and we all entered.

"Good day boss Erald." I heard multiple guards voice said in unison. I just nodded my head to them.

"C'mon Kenneth, as you can see this is a really big shopping mall that nothing goes in or out here without my permission. So you can imagine how absolutely branded, your clothes would be right?" I said with a devilish grin on my face, as I looked at him, I could see him trembling.

"Oh Kenneth don't tremble yet, you can't tremble just yet, okay?" I said laughing briefly.

"Let's go have a look at your beautiful clothes that's being kept for you, shall we." I added.

Moving forward and as we move further I still scanned my palm prints, so the system could identify that it's me and the door would automatically get opened. I had to keep answering so many greetings from the guards and workers there, which is annoying.

As we moved further through many doors, we finally got to where I wanted being.

Here I am standing at the front of the blow room, where I would torture Kenneth till he regrets being a spy for Lukas.

I inserted my palm prints, and then I got inside the torture room, where my victims either tell me each and every information I'm seeking without stressing me or if they decide to stress me out and then tell me the truth am seeking for later on, they would get to be killed by me after extracting the information I need. Either ways they still die, especially those that betray me, they would get to die in the most gruesome way ever.

"Kenneth, Kenneth." I said coldly glaring at him and giving an evil smirk. I could feel him shaking in the inside but then he had a brave look on his face as he faced the blow room, which makes me angry. But, not to worry, that fear would soon be visible in his face, because his going to beg for his life, beg for forgiveness and I would surely make him do that.

"So come in Kenneth, coming in I would like you to choose what sort of clothes you like so you could try them out here." I said frigidly, as we all walked in together with Jake and Gabrielle.

"I don't want anything." He said stubbornly.

"Sit down!!!" I said with a frown and commanding tone that held power.

He quickly sat down without any delay. "Good boy." I said to him.

"Now let's forget about clothes and shopping spree. Let's get down straight to business, I mean real business. You know why I brought you here right? And you know what you are going to get, if you don't give me what I need right?" I said calmly yet in a demanding tone.

"I do, but you are getting no information from me." He said still masked with his braveness.

"Oh well, we just have to do it the hard way then." I said as I turned around heading to the table where weapons are kept for the torturing.

I took my phone out from my tuxedo pocket to call Melye. Melye is the one that takes care of the empire in my absence.

"Melye, to the blow room now." I said with a stern and demanding voice.

"Yes boss." He said and I ended the call.

I dropped my phone back and I took off my tuxedo and dropped it on the table beside me.

"Jake when Melye gets here he would show you the way to my cabin, just sit there and wait for me, I won't stay long." I said to Jake and gave Kenneth a deadly glare at the latter smiling.

"Uhh......okay then I will." He said somewhat confused.

Promptly after I was done talking to Jake, Melye called me.

"Yes." I said.

"Boss am at the door." He said.

"Okay." I said and ended the call.

I opened the door from inside and Melye entered inside.

"Boss, you called for me." Melye said.

"Take Jake to my cabin now and call josh tell him to come over now. Move!" I said to him with a calm voice.

"Okay boss." And with that Jake and Melye both left.

Turning to Kenneth, I laughed devilishly.

"Still won't give out the informations, right?" I asked him.

"Yes I won't." He replied with a fierce tone.

"Gabrielle clip his hands to the chair and make sure he won't and can't be able to break free." I said with my back both at Gabrielle and Kenneth.

"Yes boss Erald." He replied and began moving i could sense his movement and Kenneth's movement because, Kenneth didn't want to get clipped but then within few minutes I heard a clipping sound.

Great, now this is going to be fun.

"So Kenneth, how about we play with a little fire where you would get to feel the pain and then you would convey it to me through your screams, if the fire isn't good enough. Okay?" I said coldly with no regrets for what am about to do.

I saw fear in his eyes, it was so visible but he isn't ready to cower, he isn't ready to speak. I went back to the table where the torture weapons are kept, I got the blow torch, I switched it on and brought it close to Kenneth's thigh. Immediately I got it there, I began to burn him, it burnt his clothes and then seeped through to his skin.

I could hear his screams which are like music to my ears. I switches it off and turned to him. He got sweating tremendously due to his screams, and the heat from the blow torch.

"So, are you still going to keep shut?" I asked smirking.

"Yes I will." He said with a shaky voice because his breathe isn't even.

"Okay then, I guess I have to try some other way."

I got to the other table where variety of knives are being kept and I picked up a cleaver knife and rolled it in my palm, I put the tip of my index finger on it and it pierced me a little.

"Hope you can see how sharp this cleaver is right?" I said and i came close to Kenneth who's being tied down to the chair and he can't escape even if he wants to.

I used the knife to slash down his index finger and then I heard his agonizing screams.

"You won't still talk, would you?" I said smiling.

He couldn't speak because of his pain and his uneven breathe.

I slash down his middle finger again. He shouted. I was about cutting another one when he shouted.

"I would tell you, I would, please just stop these." He said in between trying to catch his breathe and his sobbings.

"Okay then, I am listening." I said with a scrutinizing gaze at him.

I watched as his blood dripped from his index and middle fingers and the smell from this burnt thigh smelled all over.

"I- I was in my house on the 29th may, when some men barged into my house with a lady. They were about 3 men and a lady. One of the men introduced himself as Lukas Santiago, I didn't know how he got to know my hatred for the boss and you. He proposed a deal to me which I would benefit from both side which was I would get to spy on the boss and all his movements and get every informations valuable and give it to him and each informations I gave, I would get to be paid for it. It was once in a lifetime opportunity which I wouldn't want to lose. I would get to avenge my brother's death and also get paid for just giving informations." He said with his breathe becoming even.

"So you thought you could betray the Balencentra's and you would go scott free?" I asked him fuming with anger, not even waiting for his reply, I shoot my second question to him.

"So that lady he brought along, did he mention her name, I mean did you get to know her name?" I added.

"Yes, her name is Kiara, no I think it's Kira, she was either his wife or his girlfriend because, they hugged and kissed each other. And I even heard them discussing outside my home that Kira has a Mafia empire and they are trying to make a new drugs because there has been a large demand for it but there weren't any that they could supply to their clients because they were out of stock. They did mention the Mafia's name but I forgot the name." He said shaking from the pains in his thigh and his fingers that are cut.

"Recently Lukas told me that there is another spy that is going to be planted around you, apart from me, but he refused to tell me about that person. He never told me the reason for his enemity with your dad." He added.

"That lady can you describe her features?" I asked him.

"Ye...." he said but was cut short by the sound of my phone ringing. I took it out from my pocket to check who it is and I saw dad's number.

"Hey dad." I said.

"Erald come to the company now, and meet me at my cabin." Dad said happily.

"Okay." I said and ended the call.

I dropped the phone on the table, to take my tuxedo off the table and put it on.

"Gabrielle, let's leave." I said leaving.

"Are you gonna leave me here soaked in my own pool of blood?" Kenneth asked.

I shot him a deadly glare. And he shut up. Which he should be happy because if he had said one more word then he wouldn't get to see another dawn.

I opened the door and headed to my cabin so I could get Jake and we would all go.

I got to my cabin, took my laptop and reset the blow room system. Instead of my palm prints or dad's, I decided to put a password.

I took my phone and called Melye.

"To my cabin." I said and ended the call.

Few minutes later, Melye came inside.

"Melye, ask Eli and Delye to torture that son of a bitch, he shouldn't be given a breathing space but do not, I repeat do not kill him or else I would kill who ever kills him." I said to Melye viciously.

"I have changed the system settings of the blow room, it's no more I and don's palm prints but it's now has a code, which I would give you so you guys could access to the blow room. The code is 0479 and make sure no one but you have this code. I asked you to call Josh, did you?"

"Yes I did boss, he did say he was coming but I guess he's stuck in something." He said with a face void of emotions.

"And yes boss, I wouldn't give out the code to no one." He added.

"Okay, that would be good for you." I said.

"C'mon Jake let's leave, dad asked me to go meet him."

We all went out of the building and we're now standing at the garage.

"Jake give me the key to the car, I would drive." I said.

He threw the key to me, we all entered the car and I drove off to go meet dad.


Half an hour into the drive, I pulled the car over so Gabrielle could get down and go to his place, because am not his fucking driver.

"Get down." I half yelled at him but I saw Jake at the corner of my eyes flinched.

"I am talking to you Gabrielle. You can go home yourself." I said to him. Without a word he got down from the car, and I drove off.

"Now do you care to tell me what all those was all about, I am totally clueless right here." I heard Jake from the passenger's seat, I could feel the frustration in his voice. And he also sounded like a whining kid who's lost and is asking for directions.

"Okay, here is what happened." I said to him as I began to explain everything to him excluding the part I tortured Kenneth.

"Lukas daughter who we thought is his daughter isn't his daughter, and when Josh told us she is not his daughter, I was shocked. And now you are trying to tell me that she is his lover?" Jake asked dumbstruck.

"Apparently yes, that's correct." I answered frigidly, now he needs not know anything apart from these.

I reached the company, and I got down from the car and told Jake to go park the car at the parking lot then he could come meet me at dad's cabin.

I got to dad's cabin and I saw him smiling brightly.

"Erald here you are, I have a good news for you." Dad said happily.

"Okay dad which is?" I asked a little surprised because ever since mom died, dad hasn't been this happy before.

"A friend of mine, well my best friend during childhood days came over and he proposed something to me. Which I really loved and I couldn't decline. He has a daughter which he proposed her marriage with you. I mean his proposal is that you and his daughter should both get married." Dad said smiling brightly.

"What?" I said stupefied.