I ran out as I bumped into few maids not caring about the pains in my legs, Ira is actually here to see me. This thoughts is driving me nuts, I just hope my heart and mind isn't playing a fast one on me.
"The Don had instructed you shouldn't go out!" I heard a maids voice from behind me as I ran.
"Fuck your Don." I replied still running.
Fucking hells, this mansion is just too big, I kept on running till I bumped into ma'am Anabelle.
"Donna, where are you going running like this?" She asked worriedly as I came to a stop.
"I- I'm sorry ma'am Anabelle." I said panting. "My best friend is here to see me after staying without me for two months plus." I stated still panting as I let the free oxygen penetrate my nostrils, selfishly taking it into my lungs in a large amount.
"Calm down Donna." She said stroking my hair calming me down.