Into The Shadow Realm

The portal ripped open a gash in reality, revealing a swirling vortex of inky blackness. The stench of decay and raw power wafted through the opening, making Shania wrinkle her nose in disgust. Leor let out a low growl, his demonic energy crackling with anticipation. Azarath, however, remained strangely silent, his form shimmering faintly as he peered into the vortex and walked in with a team of soldiers.

"It's different," he said finally, his voice barely a whisper. "Here my shadow magic may not be as effective as it would in other realms because the creatures here have been fortified with ether magic and not just shadows."

Shania ignited the celestial fragment in her hand, its light cutting through the encroaching darkness. "We don't have time to ponder the whys and wherefores, Azarath," she said, her voice firm. "We need to find the Devourer and get out of here before Xal'dar realizes we're here."

With a shared nod, they plunged into the portal.