Derrick's eyebrows shot up as he dug through T&T Group's financial records and found a trail of questionable transactions. As the numbers flashed before his eyes, a pattern of anomalies emerged that revealed Bobby's greed and poor management.

Frustration simmered beneath the surface as Derrick contemplated his next move. He knew that confronting Bobby would be a risky endeavor, but he couldn't stand idly by while his brother ran the family business into the ground with his reckless behavior.

Derrick gathered his courage and strode into Bobby's office, ready to take on his brother head-on. His jaw was set firmly.

"Bobby," Derrick began, his voice firm as he entered the room. "We need to talk."

Bobby looked up from his desk, his expression a mask of indifference as he regarded his brother with disdain. "What do you want, Derrick?" he sneered, his tone dripping with contempt.