The clean white cloth of Sarah's borrowed apron felt rigid against her skin as she nervously adjusted the straps. The air was filled with the soothing scent of warm pastries and freshly made coffee, but it didn't stop the butterflies in her stomach from fluttering.
Her first day at "Sweet mornings," a lovely small cafe tucked away on a peaceful corner street, was today.
She was nervous, but there was also a glimmer of excitement in her. This was more than simply a job; it was an opportunity to start over, free from Bobby and the restrictive expectations of her past. She inhaled deeply, gritted her teeth, and waved to a crowd of regulars who were already streaming in for their daily shot of caffeine.
Her coworkers, a vibrant group of people, welcomed her right away. Ben was there, the barista with the insatiable supply of stupid jokes and an addiction for latte art. One of the bakers who worked there was Maya; her treats were aesthetically pleasing and delicious.