Sarah knelt down on the plush rug, her arms open wide and inviting. "Come here, my little loves," She sang softly, her voice filled with happiness from being reunited.

Ethan and Leo, Sarah's ten-month-old twins, walked unsteadily on their chubby legs as they approached her. Their matching faces, encircled by light blonde hair, displayed a combination of interest and wariness.

Derrick observed, his breath getting stuck in his throat. These lovely boys, born out of his relationship with Sarah, gazed at him with eyes that showed a hint of familiarity, despite their limited comprehension of the circumstances.

Ethan, the braver one of the pair, was the first to reach Sarah, his chubby arms encircling her in a joyful hug. Sarah covered him in kisses, nuzzling her face in his smooth hair. Leo, always watching, waited for a moment with a furrowed brow, deep in thought. Afterwards, he timidly smiled and extended a chubby hand to make contact with Derrick's knee.