"We should contact Mr. Black as soon as we get back," Sarah whispered, breaking the silence. "See if he's found a place for us to meet."
Derrick nodded curtly. "Good idea. Maybe somewhere less… conspicuous than the beach at night."
A wry smile flickered across Sarah's lips for a fleeting moment. "Right. Moonlight picnics might have to be put on hold for a while."
The silence settled again, heavy with unspoken anxieties. Sarah took one look at Derrick and saw the deep crease in his forehead.
She reached out to grasp his hand and murmured, "Hey," in a quiet voice. "We'll work things out. together."
With a look of both thankfulness and resolve in his eyes, he turned to face her. He squeezed her hand back and said, "I know we will." "We just have to exercise caution. You know, for the guys?"