Sarah nodded, her resolve hardening. "And we'll face it together. As a family."

The mission's weight was back on them the following morning, a steady pressure in the pit of their stomachs. But the memory of that day at the cove stayed with them, a reminder of their goals and a source of strength.

"Alright, team breakfast!" Sarah announced brightly, entering the kitchen. Ethan and Leo were already awake, bouncing in their cribs with a symphony of excited gurgles.

Derrick emerged from the shower, a tired smile on his face. "Waffles?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at Sarah.

"The best kind of motivation," she replied, already at the stove, mixing batter.

As they fed the twins, a sticky, cheerful mess, Sarah and Derrick discussed their next steps. They planned to meet with Mr. Black later that morning to finalize their plan for approaching the authorities.

"We need to make sure Emily is safe," Sarah said, spooning applesauce onto Leo's highchair tray.