"Whoa," Sam whistled on the other end. "That's some serious family drama. So, you want me to get samples from both Bobby and Mr. Duke?"

"Exactly," Derrick confirmed. "But here's the thing – it needs to be discreet. No raising any red flags, no alerting Bobby."

"Discretion is my middle name," Sam chuckled. "Leave it to me. I'll get some creative with my methods. But getting a sample from Bobby might be tricky. The guy's got security crawling all over him."

"I understand," Derrick confessed, running his hand through his hair in exasperation. "But we need that confirmation. Mr. Duke… well, let's just say he needs some closure."

"Understood," Sam said, his voice turning serious. "Consider it done. I'll prioritize this and get the samples ASAP. Then I'll send them off to a top-notch lab for expedited testing."

"Thank you, Sam," Derrick said sincerely. "We really appreciate it."