The shaky jeep came to a stop, creating a dusty cloud that gradually blanketed the rundown wooden lodge surrounded by thick pine trees.

Sarah, with sore muscles from the lengthy trip, emerged from the vehicle, observing the worn exterior with her eyes. This was it – their new safe house, a far cry from the luxurious city life they once knew.

Tiger, ever the practical one, shouldered his backpack and strode towards the cabin. "This is it," he announced, his voice gruff but laced with relief. "Martha's Hunting Lodge. Home sweet…well, let's just say home for now."

"This is it?" Derrick asked, his voice laced with skepticism as he surveyed the dilapidated exterior. "Mr. Black's top-secret safe house?"

With a soothing laugh, Tiger, who had led them through the difficult wild trip, laughed. "My friend, appearances can be deceiving. This place is stronger than it appears, I assure you."