In a clean interrogation room, the bright fluorescent lights shine a pale light on the two criminals, their confidence now replaced by a frightening anxiety.

Detective Miller was seated in front of them, her eyes showing a strong determination as she lightly tapped a file on the table.

"Okay, gentlemen," she started, her voice lacking any warmth. We understand you did not come here for social reasons. Why don't you tell us why you decided to pay Mr. Duke and Ms. Jones a visit?"

The man with the switchblade, his face bruised from the scuffle during his arrest, remained silent, his gaze darting nervously between Miller and her partner.

The other thug, however, seemed more eager to appease.

"We were just… doing our job," he stammered, a tremor in his voice.

"And who exactly is your employer?" Miller pressed, leaning forward in her chair.