Chapter 11

[Word Creator System Activate!] Host: Trigon Duncan Race: Human Level: 0 EXP: 30/100 Energy 5/10 Stat points: 0 Strength: 9 Speed: 7 Stamina: 7 Endurance: 10 HP: 100 Perceptions: 10 Skills: PASSIVE: Heart void of feelings God-eye ACTIVE: Dash Cost: 5 energy (System overall mark: Host is weaker than a chick and must level up ASAP or wouldn't be worthy of this system. First requirement...) "Could reading books earn me points?" Trigon, wearing a look of disbelief, gradually transformed it into joy as he surveyed the hundreds of neatly arranged novels on the shelves, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Does this mean I could accumulate more points by reading all these novels?" he muttered. Acting on impulse, he selected another book, settled into a seat, and delved into its pages. Aware of his limited time, he swiftly skimmed through unessential sections, focusing on the core content, finishing the book in just an hour and a half. However, the anticipated notification failed to materialize, prompting a disappointed frown. _System, why haven't I received any notification or reward after completing this novel?_ he queried internally. [It is to be expected. The host should be aware that most novels share similar plotlines, so unless the host discovers one with a unique plot, further rewards may not be forthcoming.] _Indeed, if it is as the system said then I must admit it will be hard getting a unique novel easily._ Trigon thought. He knew novels are similar in many ways, for example an urban novel. If the husband faces a humiliating event at the beginning of the chapter then be prepared for a nobody appearing before him and announcing that he is the lost son of that and that or has a hidden wealth of that and that. Knowing this did not make Trigon downcast due to his heart void of feelings. Quickly he shrug and left the library which was already half empty unlike the first hour he arrived here. Stepping out he discovered that it was already evening but still having free time in his hands, Trigon decided to pay a visit to one of the training room again. _This is the best time to test my strength._ He thought as he moved towards the training room which he already knew where it was located thanks to the teacher who showed them around in the morning. Arriving at the training room, designed in a spacious oval configuration with a conspicuously vacant center, Trigon found rows of advanced training equipment lining the perimeter. Among them stood towering mech robots, shooting targets, punching bags, futuristic weaponry, and various unfamiliar gadgets that piqued Trigon's interest. His purpose for being there was to assess his power level, prompting him to approach the power testing equipment—a drum-like machine engineered to gauge the user's strength. Unknown to Trigon, someone was following him behind. **** Diana Dante who was on her way to her dormitory halt as she spot Trigon going to the training center. Ever since her encounter with him, she felt like he is someone with a unique bloodline, an ability she has due to being a demon. And due to that, she got curious and decided to sneak and follow him in order to watch his action. Stepping inside the room before the door close, Diana quickly hid behind one of the training equipment and watch as Trigon approaches the drum-like machine. "Let see if there's a change." With that, Trigon muster all his strength and swung his fist with a roar, smashing it right onto the machine. Baang! 1... 2... 3... 4... Ding! Strength: 4 "That's unexpected." Trigon mutter with a look of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that his theory will be on mark, it seems like his system has something to do with darkness since back on the day he left home, he experience a weaken state due to being in the sun and his theory has been proven to be right. Diana who was hiding behind a equipment suddenly mutter, "interesting, a no ability human with a strange dormant bloodline being able to achieve such strength. Just who is this boy?" Her eyes twinkle as she kept observing him. "Now, up next should be the speed like machine thing." Trigon turn towards another machine, that day he didn't last for more than 35 seconds and now he was curious how long will he last? Immediately the machine start spinning and shooting holographic balls, Trigon start dodging them, he felt like they were slow and after hitting the 30 seconds, the balls suddenly pick up speed and start coming in tens of numbers which Trigon barely managed to last more and finally he got hit. Checking the machine he was a bit surprised to see he was able to last for 50 seconds. This was a big leap for him. With this done, Trigon felt like he should go and sleep since tomorrow will be the start of academy. By the time he left, Diana has already sneak out since she was afraid he might spot her if he leaves first. **** At precisely 8:00 AM, the students were roused from their slumber by the resounding school alarm, a reminder to rise, wash up and prepare for the day's classes as they would begin at 8:40 AM. This included a visit to the cafeteria for breakfast. Meanwhile, Trigon, who had been up since the early hours of 5:00 AM, could be seen engaging in a series of rigorous exercises in his room. His lean body glistened with sweat as he performed a set of press-ups with remarkable clumsiness. At around 4:00 AM, the system had unexpectedly assigned him three daily missions to complete. These tasks had left Trigon feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of tears. However, he persevered and completed each task with unwavering determination. Finally, the sound he had been waiting for rang out. Today's task (3/3) completed 1. Run for 2 kilometers per day (completed) 2. Perform 50 pushups (completed) 3. Lift a weight lift with over 120 kilograms weight for 2 minutes straight (completed) Trigon let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he had successfully completed his daily tasks and could now focus on the day ahead. Suddenly the system echoes again. [Generating rewards...] "Finally!" Trigon exclaimed, excited at what the system will provide him.