Chapter 28

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The system, which had been eerily silent since it forcefully shoved Trigon's memories into his consciousness, suddenly beeped, its robotic voice piercing his brain.

[Basic level low iron rats and mutated cockroach spotted, mission generating...]

[Beep! Kill not less than 10 of them...]

[Rewards: 50 EXP...]

[Side mission generating... Kill all of them.]

[Rewards: each mutated animal will give you a low level soul which you can use to create anything worth the soul.]

Seeing the missions, Trigon didn't immediately jump into fighting but stood still, sizing the rats and cockroaches up and down, the same way they were curiously looking at him. Although before coming to this place, Trigon had received some valuable information from Kael, who had told him that this world had been invaded by intergalactic robbers about 40 years ago. These robbers were involved in capturing humans and other aliens, selling them to mad scientists who loved conducting illegal experiments on them.

However, the intergalactic robbers didn't outrightly attack the Aridos World; instead, they dropped little poisons that merged with the air, affecting the beasts and turning them into a berserk state. Even the rivers weren't spared, and just when the humans of the world were battling to keep the rampant animals at bay, some humans started showing signs of aggressiveness, which led to a world war that pushed the world to its current state.

And thanks to that, most people in this world had awakened unique abilities related to poison and so on, but since it had barely been 40 years since the war, not many had developed high-level superpowers. Trigon's mind raced with this information as he gazed at the mutated creatures before him, their metal-infused bodies a testament to the strange and dangerous world he now found himself in.

Taking one step back, Trigon gazed at the rats and cockroaches that had grown bolder, taking a few steps forward towards him, their jaws dripping with saliva. Seeing this, Trigon didn't retreat further but instead, with a fierce and nonchalant face, he took three deliberate steps towards them. Immediately, the rats and cockroaches retreated, scurrying backward as if scared.

"Okay, from this, I am able to deduce that these rats and cockroaches are the types of animals that only prey on the weak and cowardly while fearing the strong," Trigon thought to himself, a subtle smile spreading across his face. "Well, this works in my favor..."

Subconsciously, his lips curled up, revealing a hint of excitement. This would be his very first battle against beasts, and what's more, it would be a solo battle. Thanks to his "Heart Void of Emotions" skill, he didn't feel fear, but every cell in his body was screaming for carnage, urging him to rush into the crowd of rats and cockroaches and rip them all apart. And he did just that, not rushing towards the entire horde but targeting the few that were ahead of the crowd, closer to him.

Lifting his fist, encased in the rusty gauntlet with spikes lining the knuckles, Trigon stomped his foot on the floor, using the momentum to launch himself towards one of the rats with a fierce and excited look.

The rat, caught off guard, tried to scurry away in fear, but Trigon's gauntlet was too fast. With a powerful punch, he smashed into the rat's head, the force of the blow crushing the skull like a fragile eggshell.

A sickening crunch echoed through the air as the rat's brain matter and blood splattered everywhere, coating Trigon's gauntlet in a gory mess.

The rat's body went limp, its metal-infused limbs twitching wildly as it collapsed to the ground, defeated. Trigon's gauntlet dripped with blood, a grim display of raw strength and ferocity in battle.

[1/10 killed]

[1 low level soul gain]

The other rats and cockroaches watched in horror, their beady eyes fixed on Trigon as they realized they were in the presence of a formidable predator.

But the horror didn't last long, as their eyes turned a fiery red with anger.


One of the largest rats let out a deafening squeak, and like a tsunami, the entire horde of rats and cockroaches dashed towards Trigon in a frenzy state.

Although the low-level iron rats and cockroaches were the types that preyed on weaker prey, they were beasts that lived in groups and tended to attack in a maddening state towards whosoever attacked them, even if that person's level was higher than theirs.

Seeing this, Trigon remained calm and composed, his eyes fixed on the approaching horde. With a prideful fierce battle cry, he dashed towards some of the rats and cockroaches, his gauntlet glowing with a faint, otherworldly light as it absorbed the blood stained on it.

If it were others with normal weapons, it would have barely hurt these beasts, as most of their body parts were made up of metals. But Trigon's weapon was a planetary-type gauntlet, despite being damaged, it could still unleash massive destruction on these small creatures.




Trigon charged into the fray, his gauntlet flashing with deadly intent. He swung his fist, smashing into a rat's metal-infused body, crushing it with a sickening crunch and sending it flying backwards, crashing into its brethren.

_They are so weak..._ He snort in disdain.

But his prideful thinking clouded his judgment, and he failed to dodge a swift bite from another rat.

The rat's razor-sharp teeth sunk deep into his left hand, and Trigon gritted his teeth, suppressing a scream of pain.

The rat refused to let go, its jaws locked onto Trigon's hand like a vice. With a thinking, Trigon used his right hand to smash the rat's head with his gauntlet.

But the rat was relentless, biting harder, trying to stall for time for its fellow rats to arrive closer. Trigon's vision began to blur, his hand burning with agony as he felt his bones cracking under those strong teeth. With a Herculean effort, he managed to crush the rat's head apart after dozen punches, its grip on his hand finally releasing.

But the damage was done. Trigon's left hand was badly injured, and he knew he couldn't handle the horde in his current state. Without hesitation, he turned and fled, his speed triple that of the three strongest normal humans.

He raced across the wasteland, the rats and cockroaches hot on his heels, their squeaks and scuttling footsteps echoing through the desolate landscape.

_My pride almost leaded to my downfall..._ He mused as he ran, thinking of his own foolishness. He had underestimated the horde, and his pride had almost cost him his life.