They had hugged for a while. Pip wasn't sure how long, but when he opened his eyes, the snow had deepened around them. Without lifting his head from Krey's shoulder, he looked around. The cold seeped through his layers, though Krey was still hot. Pip felt his body heat through his jacket.

"I-I thought you said you weren't a hugger," Pip said in his usual quiet voice. Krey was somehow always able to hear him.

"I'm not," Krey mumbled with his chin resting on the top of Pip's head. "Not usually."

Pip smiled. He felt special, even if he still couldn't fathom why Krey would find him interesting.

Eventually, they pulled away.

Krey still looked more content than Pip had ever seen him. "So, um, d-do you have like- a curfew for the institute?"

Krey discretely sniffed the air. He could only detect Francis's scent nearby, nobody else. "Not really," he said with a shrug. "I'm in charge. I make the rules."