Krey didn't dare open his eyes. The transformation sped up. His clothes exchanged with fur, his muscles tore and stretched and reshaped, his hands and feet turned to paws with huge claws, and his face distorted until he had a snout, sharp teeth, and floppy ears, one brown and one black.

He inhaled deeply, waiting for the pain to subside.

Francis didn't say a word. Judging by her wide-eyed expression, Pip had seen the whole transformation.

Krey slowly turned his head.

Pip stood a few metres away. He had dropped Krey's phone in the snow.

Krey's red eyes trailed up Pip's tense body, and to his face. Krey's heart shattered. Pip looked horrified. His mouth hung open, and his eyes were wide and unblinking.

Krey could hear Pip's heart smashing in his chest.

Say something, Francis. Say something.

No other sound travelled with the wind, apart from Pip's feet in the snow as he edged back a single step.