A high-pitched noise rang loud in Pip's ears. "With the same person?" he asked, being the one to stare intensely into Krey's dark eyes, though Krey didn't shy away, and stared back just as firmly.
"A-And that's me?"
Pip's thoughts exploded, making a mess in his head. "Why me?"
"I told you. My soul chose you."
"So.. it wasn't you?"
"Not a conscious choice," Krey admitted, "but the right choice."
Pip's mouth hung open. His eyes glazed over for a moment as he digested the information. "How did you know it was me?"
"I dreamt about you." Pip frowned, and Krey warmed to the core. "I think the night you broke into the institute started everything."
Pip thoughtfully ran the tips of his fingers across his bottom lip and uncrossed his legs. "How does it all work? N-not just the mate thing, but the wolf thing. Is it magic?"
Krey shrugged. "The wolf isn't physical until I've shifted forms. Right now, my wolf is just a feeling, I guess."