I Have Returned

As the rift between dimensions wavered and shimmered, an imposing figure stepped forth, radiating an aura of both power and intrigue.

This masculine figure had a face that was so handsome that he could be mistaken for a woman despite his lean muscular build. His eyes looked so deep that one would find themselves lost in them.

This was Fang Chen, an immortal cultivator whose reputation had traveled across time. With a wry grin playing on his lips and mischief dancing in his eyes, he took in the sights of the hybrid city that lay before him.

"I have returned..."

The city was a unique blend of eras, where ancient architecture harmoniously coexisted with modern marvels. Towering pagodas shared the skyline with smooth glass skyscrapers, creating a surreal juxtaposition of old and new.

Flying boats and boards could be spotted blazing across the skies.

As Fang Chen set foot on the cobblestone streets, he marvelled at the seamless fusion of these contrasting elements.

His attire, a mix of ornate robes and intricate accessories, drew the attention of passersby who couldn't help but steal curious glances.

The modern denizens of the city, engrossed in their smartphones and bustling routines, were unaccustomed to seeing someone with such an air of antiquity.

Fang Chen reveled in their intrigue, allowing his presence to captivate their imaginations.

Navigating through the bustling streets, Fang Chen's keen senses picked up on the underlying currents of mysticism that pulsed beneath the surface of the city.

He could sense the remnants of ancient energy intertwined with the fabric of modern life.

His lips curled into a knowing smile as he recognized the potential for indulging in his playful antics.

Humans, hybrids, beasts, exotic-looking creatures, cultivators, they all existed here.

He licked his lips as he spotted female creatures with cat ears and tails dressed in modern outfits. Young ladies with beastly facial features but feminine bodies. Curvy human women dressed in corporate wear...

'I'll have my fun when the time comes... First, I must grasp an understanding of where I am or when...' Fang Chen thought.

As he wandered further into the heart of the city, he stumbled upon a marketplace teeming with vendors selling exotic goods and trinkets from various eras.

His eyes gleamed mischievously as he approached a stall selling antique scrolls, ancient talismans, and mystical artifacts.

-"Buy the Quilin Fire scroll for just 30,000 yuan,"

"Such crap, who would spend money on such a low-graded cultivation technique," Fang Chen voiced as he walked past.

"Huh? What did you say, bastard? This is a grade 3 scroll!" The vendor yelled.

"Grade 3? This scroll doesn't even meet up to a grade one standard," Fang Chen scoffed.

"Take that back!" The vendor yelled.

Fang Chen was about to go on to destroy the vendor's pride when he recalled something.

'Since this is a second chance at life... Perhaps I should try to be nicer...'

Fang Chen's gaze turned a little soft as he selected a scroll at random and unfurled it. His keen senses immediately detected inconsistencies in the energy imprinted on the paper. "I can sense the fluctuations of qi within this scroll, but the resonance is uneven and disrupted. These techniques have been tampered with, possibly to enhance their allure."

The vendor's posture stiffened, his pride wounded by the cultivator's assessment. "You doubt my authenticity? I have dedicated my life to the trade of these scrolls. How can an outsider like you make such judgments?"

Fang Chen's smile remained calm, though a glint of resolve entered his eyes. "I have walked the path of cultivation for centuries, and my senses are finely attuned to the nuances of Qi and energy. I suggest you cease attempting to deceive potential cultivators with these altered scrolls."

The vendor's initial indignation turned to defensiveness. "Perhaps my scrolls have been modified over time, but they still offer value to those seeking enlightenment. I have customers who find them helpful."

Fang Chen's demeanour grew more earnest as he sought to impart wisdom. "Cultivation is a sacred journey that requires genuine guidance. Selling falsified techniques not only misleads practitioners but also undermines the integrity of our tradition. I urge you to reconsider your approach."

A tense silence settled between the two as the vendor grappled with Fang Chen's words. After a moment of contemplation, the vendor sighed, his posture softening. "You speak with the wisdom of one who has truly walked the path. I will take your words to heart and reevaluate the scrolls I offer."

Fang Chen nodded approvingly. "That is a wise decision. Cultivators deserve authentic guidance on their journey. May your future endeavours be marked by honesty and integrity."

The vendor bowed deeply, his respect evident in his actions. "Thank you, great cultivator. Your words have shown me the error of my ways. I will strive to uphold the values of true cultivation."

With a final nod, Fang Chen turned away from the vendor's stall, leaving behind a moment of introspection and growth.

"It is expected that things must have changed since I have been gone for twenty thousand years... Fortunately, there are still people that can be reasoned with," Fang Chen continued his stroll through this unknown city.

"I wonder if my abodes still exist... I need to find a place to reside first, then I can quench my twenty thousand years thirst. One female won't be enough... I will need at least ten of them,' Fang Chen arrived in the middle of an intersection.

Vehicles drove past cursing as he stood still in the middle of the road.

His presence was attracting the gazes of passers-by. The females thought he was an actor or a model due to his striking and enchanting appearance.

"I can still sense the location of my treasure vaults. Fortune won't be a problem so long as I can repossess them..."

As Fang Chen voiced out his thoughts, he suddenly got approached by a group of stern-looking officials.

Their uniforms were a stark contrast to his ancient attire. One of the guards stepped forward, his tone authoritative.

"Halt! State your business and identity," the guard demanded, his hand resting on the hilt of his weapon.

Fang Chen regarded the guards with an amused glint in his eyes. "Greetings, I am Fang Chen, a traveller from distant lands,"

The guard's suspicion was evident as he eyed Fang Chen's robes and demeanour. "Fang Chen? Where have I heard that name before?" He whispered before speaking out loud...

"Your appearance is unusual, and your presence raises concerns. We can not ignore the potential threat you may pose to our city's safety."

Fang Chen's lips quirked into a half-smile as he attempted to ease their worries. "I assure you, I am not a threat... unless you have beautiful wives, of course,"

"Huh? Is he sick or something?" One of the officers questioned.

"*cough cough* Ignore that... My intentions are peaceful, and I seek only to explore and share wisdom..."

However, the guards were not easily swayed. The tension escalated as they moved to encircle Fang Chen, their unease palpable in the air. "Your words may be honeyed, but your aura is overwhelming. Surrender your weapons and submit to questioning."

Fang Chen's expression shifted from amusement to mild irritation. He raised a hand, and a gentle ripple of energy emanated from his palm, momentarily halting the officers in their tracks. "I do not wish to escalate matters, but I will not be treated as a criminal..."

'I have not bedded anyone yet... and even that isn't a crime... or is it?'

The guards exchanged wary glances, and one of them drew his weapon, readying for a confrontation. "If you refuse to cooperate, we will use force to ensure the city's safety."

Fang Chen's patience wore thin, and a flicker of ancient power danced in his eyes. He released a surge of energy that sent a shockwave through the air, causing the officers to stagger. With a fluid motion, he held his right palm forward.

"Very well," Fang Chen conceded, his tone edged with resolve. "If you insist on violence, I shall oblige."

The confrontation escalated into a battle as the guards rushed at Fang Chen with weapons raised. However, their attacks seemed feeble in comparison to the cultivated power that flowed through him.

With graceful movements, Fang Chen effortlessly swerved sideways, dodging their strikes with his palms dancing in the air like he was some kind of entertainer.

A whirlwind of energy surrounded Fang Chen as he displayed the mastery of a cultivator with millennia of experience.

"Wind strike... form one,"

He thrust forward gently, causing a blast of air to send both officers flying without making physical contact.


Wind spread in every direction, causing vehicles all around to get blasted across the air and tumble for tens of feet.

As the last guard fell to the ground disarmed, Fang Chen spoke, "I did not wish for this confrontation, but I don't tolerate disrespect... I serve it,"

Fang Chen turned to the side and began leaving, amidst the gazes of people in the background trying to uncover his identity.

"Who dares cause disruption in my city!" A loud feminine voice reverberated across the vicinity in the next instant.

Fang Chen who was about to leave, paused in his tracks. A vigorous pressure descended upon the vicinity along with the appearance of this new figure.

"Ouu a beauty has arrived..." A mischievous smirk appeared on his face as he slowly turned around.

What appeared in his line of sight was a milky-skinned enchanting-looking lady. Her pear shaped face and semi-full pink lips bore a downward curve making her look incredibly intense and yet extremely beautiful.

Her dark yellow hair was tied in a ponytail that danced behind her as she stepped forward, radiating with powerful cultivation energy.

Her black official robes had a pattern embedded behind them that scared everyone in the vicinity away. The robes didn't do well to hide her lustrous curves and massive chest mounds with jiggled with every movement. 

-"Lieutenant Xiaomei is here."

-"That man is finished."

-"He is definitely done for."

The spectators voiced amongst themselves. 

"Even before I laid my eyes on you, I could already tell that you were incredibly beautiful," Fang Chen voiced calmly to the approaching figure.

"Shut your trap peasant! What did you do to my officers?" The young lady who seemed to be a superior responded with a spiteful tone.